ear SoulPhone family,
I hope you are enjoying the many benefits accompanying the great news that life continues after bodily death.
That great news, as discussed in the book ‘Greater Reality Living’ by Dr. Gary Schwartz and myself, includes:
Much scientific, clinical, and experiential evidence now shows – with very high degrees of certainty – that you and everyone else: 1. are still alive after your human form dies. 2. do not really ‘lose’ loved ones after their earthly bodies perish since you reunite with them when you change worlds. 3. can enjoy a continued, but different, relationship with ‘departed’ loved ones now. 4. are integral, infinite, and beloved parts of Source Energy / Creator / One Mind. 5. receive assistance and guidance from sources variously described as angels, guides, master teachers, and higher energies. 6. can have different and, perhaps, simultaneous life experiences. That means you may be with ‘deceased’ loved ones right now in a parallel reality / different slice of Life. 7. create how heavenly or hellish your life feels by your predominant thoughts, words and deeds. 8. are interconnected in sacred ways with all people, animals, and nature. 9. have special purposes for experiencing being on this planet at this time. It’s an optical delusion that this time on earth is all there is. 10. can quite probably use SoulPhone devices in the near future to communicate with dear ones who changed world 11. will likely enjoy webinars and classes from postmaterial luminaries who want to help us heal ourselves and our planet * * * * * * * The SoulPhone Project continues forward, slowly but surely. One part time electrical engineer and three part time software programmers work together but it’s two steps forward, one back. Let me explain . . .
Each improvement in “the hardware” — the physical ‘guts’ of the devices — requires upgrades in software. In addition, this equipment is very sensitive: improving one part of it can cause problems with another part.
Because this team is part time, everything takes longer than it would with a full time team. But we are persistent and patient. We believe that everything will come together in the right way and time. This ‘turtle pace’ is only possible because of you who donate a small amount each month and a few larger donors.
I wish I had more to report but you would quickly fall asleep if I gave a more detailed discussion.
For now, know that #10 and 11 in the list above should be a reality someday. Until then, focus on the other nine and feel the resulting peace, joy, love, and other higher energy emotions.
Hugs, blessings, and SoulPhones,