Dear SoulPhone family,

I’m excited to share four items that can magnificently affect you and your loved ones.

#1: Greater Reality Living™ book by Drs. Gary Schwartz and Mark Pitstick is coming along nicely.  And, another miraculous example of how much help we are getting from “here” and “the hereafter,” an editor who works with Neal Donald Walsh has volunteered to help us.

#2: Greater Reality Living Groups™  We continue to hear from people around the world who want to lead a Greater Reality Living group in their area.  So far, volunteers have stepped forward from Italy, the Philippines, Kenya, UK, India, Canada, Australia, the U.S., and other countries .  May we add your state or country to the list?  Here’s an overview:

Greater Reality Living Groups
Integrating the Eternal Consciousness Paradigm Shift

Much evidence indicates that physical death is not the end of life, just an entry into another phase of forever.  That evidence, and a highly probable break-through with SoulPhone™ spirit-communication technology in the near future, will create a major paradigm shift.  Greater Reality Living (GRL) groups will prepare people for that with a foundation for awakening to and enjoying this new, bigger picture of life.

We want to provide safe places – online or locally –where people around the world can come out of the “spiritual closet” – to learn, discuss and integrate these keys:

  1. Learn that your consciousness/energy/spirit survives physical death
  2. Internalize this great news so you can really live it and share it
  3. Vitalize your body, mind, and spirit to handle life on earth in style
  4. Enjoy the many benefits of your more enlightened perspective
  5. Serve others to heal yourself and make the world a better place


GRL groups are for those who are searching and/or suffering, particularly if you are:

  1. grieving the passing of a loved one, especially a child
  2. fearing your own bodily death
  3. struggling with the suicide of a loved one
  4. in the process of dying
  5. suffering with difficulties such as failed relationships, physical/mental illness, broken dreams, financial loss, lack of purpose, or addicted loved ones
  6. considering ending your earth-experience by suicide
  7. mourning the passing of a beloved pet
  8. wrestling with past religious teachings that don’t make sense to you now
  9. searching for sensible answers to your biggest questions and challenges and wanting to talk with others about them
  10. desiring to enjoy the greatest life you have envisioned
  11. wanting to transform yourself and our planet for the better

We hope you will join us and tell others about all the information, inspiration, support, networking, and love in the Greater Reality Living groups.  You can believe now.  Are you ready to more deeply know and show that your brief earth-experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst eternity?

#3: SoulPhone research and development at the University of Arizona is moving along very well.  I can’t share details from now on since Dr. Schwartz and his team are getting closer to a reliably working prototype.  The first device will likely be a SoulSwitch that allows those “on the other side” to communicate via ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers.  After that, it will be off to the races with the SoulKeyboard, SoulTexting, SoulVoice, and SoulVideo.

#4: The AREI conference in Scottsdale, AZ on Sept. 15 – 17 

In addition to Dr. Schwartz and I presenting there, so will several members of the SoulPhone Foundation spiritual and educational advisory boards: Susanne Wilson, Suzanne Giesemann, Mark Anthony, Tina Powers, and Dr. Alan Hugenot.

This will be a magnificent event for anyone interested in the 99.9% of life that escapes the senses and explains many of life’s greatest challenges and questions.  I hope you can join us to more deeply remember that you are an infinite being of consciousness/spirit/energy.  Self-realization, enlightenment, perceiving the greater reality — however you phrase it — is a HUGE key to enjoying a successful, peaceful, happy, and loving life now and always.  To learn more and to register, visit

If you can’t attend the conference, you can still enjoy two of the techniques I’ll present in your home and share with your loved ones.  For only $15 each!  

To learn more and to purchase, visit: Facilitated After Death Contact session and Pre-Birth Planning.  

Facilitated After Death Contact: Experience an increased awareness of your loved ones, people and pets, who have transitioned from earth-school.  Based on his training from Drs. Raymond Moody, Brian Weiss, and Ken Ring, Mark’s hypnosis session can expand your perception that your “departed” loved ones are really very near. Learn how to enjoy a different, but very real and wonderful relationship with them here and now.

Pre-Birth Planning: Did My Soul REALLY Choose All This? Get in touch with why you, as a soul, chose at least the probability of certain events during this earth-experience—especially the perplexing and challenges ones. With help from your angels, guides and the Light, you can revisit your pre-birth planning to gain more peace, clarity, and empowerment about how to best live in your here and now.

Thank you for sending this news to others and sharing your greatest light!

Life and love are forever.  Shall we live accordingly?

Mark Pitstick, MA, DC
Director, SoulPhone Foundation