Dear SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living family,

Greetings and welcome!

Lots of exciting news to share this month . . .
1. The SoulPhone R & D has achieved several big breakthroughs.

A functioning SoulSwitch has been replicated six times thus far. Like a true scientist, Dr. Schwartz wants more proof before officially announcing. But, as a newsletter recipient, you are the first to know beyond the core group.

In addition, he is investigating video technology for both the SoulSwitch and the SoulVideo.

When it rains, it pours. Stay tuned!!
2. We are moving ever closer to launching Greater Reality Living groups.

We continue to receive contacts from people around the world who want to start groups in their area.

The website needs to be fully ready first. The expected date for that is mid-September, only 6 or 7 weeks away.

At that time, our facilitator managers will vet potential facilitators. Once approved, I will begin to train the managers via online webinars.

To learn more and possibly facilitate a group in your area, click on the blue link above and email us at

3. The Greater Reality Living book by Mark Pitstick, MA, DC and Gary E. Schwartz PhD will soon be available as an audio book. It is now available as a printed and e-book / Kindle. You can purchase at or
Thank you for creating reviews on Amazon after you read it!

4. Deepest thanks to our wonderful volunteers!

My last request yielded several great prospects for both IT and social media needs. After evaluating, we look forward to adding these shining lights to our team of amazing volunteers: Beth, Tracy, Brian, Rick, David, Maryam, Terri, Rhonda, Josh, Afton, Chris, Jonathan, Terry, and Elizabeth.

Life and love are forever. Shall we live accordingly?

Drs. Mark Pitstick, Dr. Gary Schwartz, and the SoulPhone Foundation / Greater Reality Living staff.

Photo below: the new SoulPhone logo. It’s a beautiful way to depict life: out of a vast swirl of colors (energy, information, light, love, creativity, and more) come an infinite number of possibilities for manifesting. The solid swirls with three colors represent the fraction of All That Is detectable by most humans. Your earthly experience makes much more sense when you remember you are an integral and eternal part of ____ (fill in your favorite term: G.O.D, Universe, Life Itself, One Mind, Infinite Consciousness, etc.)