Dear SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living family,
Welcome to this month’s SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living news!
(Note: You can continue reading here or visit Newletter to read this and previous newsletters.)
Five exciting topics to share this month . . .
1. SEED Events
The very first public SoulPhone Education, Ethics, and Demonstration Event (SEED) will be presented on Feb. 8th in Tampa, FL and thereafter in selected cities in the U.S. An event will also be professionally recorded so people around the world can purchase to view.

These will provide education about and demonstration of the current SoulPhone device — the SoulSwitch. We will also discuss the need for ethics and prudent safeguards of this unprecedented technology. Visit SEED Events to learn more about these historic events.

2. HOPE Client Sessions Have Opportunity for Postmaterial Experience (HOPE) sessions will provide individuals with the opportunity – we cannot guarantee a satisfactory experience – to:

  1. have more certainty via the Personal Identification Test that a ‘departed’ loved one is alive and who he / she claims to be.
  2. enjoy rudimentary communication via the Cognitive Understanding Test.

Visit HOPE Client Sessions to learn more.

3. Monthly Webinars
On Oct. 15th at 8pm Eastern Time, the Facilitated After-Death Contact class and session will occur. This first webinar sponsored by the SoulPhone Foundation will be FREE so more people can learn about these webinars.

To learn more about the FADC technique, see article #9 Visit Your ‘Departed’ Loved Ones Now at Those receiving this or the Soul Proof newsletter will soon learn how to register for this event.

4. Exciting SoulPhone R & D Progress
Updated software and new large-scale experiments are paving the way for multi-centered, multi-blinded, randomized control trials to be implemented at several university laboratories. Thus far, everything continues better than expected.
5. New GRL Group Facilitator Training
The second six month series of training for people who start Greater Reality Living groups in their area starts on Sept. 10th. To learn more about this exciting opportunity to help yourself, others, and your community, visit Facilitators.
Thank you for sharing this news with others and increasingly considering this: University-based scientific research has now definitively demonstrated that life continues after bodily death. How might this great news change the way you live and treat yourself and others?
Life and love are forever,
Photo below: a tribute to an early pioneer in human flight; see article #50 Choosing Action Versus Discouragement at to learn more about the significant of this for the SoulPhone Project and our world.