meta-goals of the SoulPhone Project
1. educate people that life after death has been definitively proven scientifically
2. demonstrate communication technology with postmaterial (‘departed’) persons
3. develop technology for texting, talking with, and seeing postmaterial loved ones and luminaries who want to help our world
4. share hope, inspiration, and empowerment based on:
a. The Great News’ (article #19 at, a list of evidence-based indications about the nature of reality
b. Eight Developments for Widespread Conscious Living Now’ (article #125)
5. provide a tipping point for the following programs:
a. Greater Reality LIVING to help people integrate ‘The Great News’ into all aspects of your earthly experience (#72)
b. Greater Reality HEALING with evidence-based information and holistic resources to help you journey FROM deeply grieving TO brightly shining (#82)
c. Greater Reality HELPING to assist yourself, others, and our planet (#119)
d. Greater Reality SHARING to tell others about the magnificent benefits of the SoulPhone Project (#122)
All of this can facilitate widespread conscious living and global peace in this decade. This is a practically obtainable vision as more people know the information, use the resources, take positive action steps, and live accordingly. For example, might your grief be lighter and shorter when you REALLY know that no one really dies, you will see your loved ones again after you pass on, and you can likely communicate with them now?
Click on the Greater Reality Programs top tab, then the subtabs to learn more about the programs and watch videos.
Thank you for doing your part and sharing this information with others.
Together, we can do this!
Drs. Gary Schwartz and Mark Pitstick, and the SoulPhone Project team