Dear SoulPhone family, Thank you to the many people who donated after the last newsletter. Your gifts, large and small, inspire the team — most of whom are contributing their time to their ultra-important project. This newsletter will be short because I am super busy with a number of projects:
1. Completing edits on Dr. Schwartz’s new book ‘Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence’. This is part of the infrastructure before officially: a. announcing scientific proof of life after death b. publicly demonstrating the technology. Given the historic impact of (a) and (b), this book is needed to help more people learn how to discern actual truth from falsehood. As you may have noticed, these days ‘the truth’ is — for some people — whatever they think it is.
2. Finishing my new book ‘Proof of Afterlife’. That is a strongly worded title but one that can soon be used accurately and responsibly. There is so much evidence for afterlife now from firsthand experience, clinical studies, and scientific research.
However, all that evidence is too confusing or complex for some people. This new book will be very clear, short, and include interesting real-life stories. Knowing this evidence will help open minds to 1a and b above.
3. Preparing for the official ‘Reveal’ later this year. For example, we are now considering what predictable resistance will arise and how to best address it. I will share when and how these public demonstrations and announcements will occur in future newsletters.
4. Updating my free articles at This is also an infrastructure task before official announcements and demonstrations. After working with Dr. Schwartz for nearly five years, I am much more informed about making responsible statements. For example, ten years ago I made statements like ‘life after death has been irrefutably proven.’ Actually, there was a lot of evidence then that strongly indicated — but didn’t scientifically prove — that life continues after the human form perishes. This may sound like bothersome semantics to you, but those matter to other scientists and open-minded skeptics. The core SoulPhone Project team will no doubt be scrutinized and criticized by close-minded skeptics in an attempt to discredit the findings. Thus, I must complete the immense task of updating those 89 articles.
May you thoroughly learn the afterlife evidence, deeply internalize this great news, enjoy the many benefits, let it positively transform your life, and help make our world a better place.