Eben Alexander, MD: Dr. Eben Alexander spent over 25 years as an academic neurosurgeon. He authored or co-authored over 150 chapters and papers in peer reviewed journals, and made over 200 presentations at conferences and medical centers around the world. He thought he had a very good idea of how the brain generates consciousness, mind and spirit. In 2008, he was driven into a coma by a rare and mysterious bacterial meningitis-encephalitis of unknown cause. He spent a week in coma on a ventilator, his prospects for survival diminishing rapidly. On the seventh day, to the surprise of everyone, he started to awaken. Memories of his life had been completely deleted inside of the coma, yet he awoke with memories of a fantastic odyssey deep into another realm – more real than this earthly one! He wrote down everything he could remember about his journey before he read anything about near-death experiences, physics or cosmology. His experience clearly revealed that consciousness is at the root of all existence. Dr. Alexander has been blessed with a complete recovery and shares his most powerful, life-changing story in his book, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife, which debuted at #1 on the New York Times Bestseller list and has remained in the top ten for over a year. His second book , Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion and Ordinary People are Proving the Afterlife, explores humankind’s spiritual history and the progression of modern science from its birth in the seventeenth century, showing how we forgot, and are now at last remembering, who we really are and what our destiny truly is. Website: www.ebenalexander.com

Raymond Moody, PhD, MD: Dr. Moody is the leading authority on the near-death experience, a phrase he coined in the late seventies. Dr. Moody is a best selling author of 11 books including Life After Life — which has sold over 13 million copies world wide — and Reunions, a bestseller, as well as numerous articles in academic and professional and literature. Dr. Moody conducts many different presentations and workshops. He also trains Hospice workers, clergy, psychologist, nurses, doctors and other medical professional in all aspects of his work. Dr. Moody also works as a practitioner of philosophic counseling. He consults on a private individual basis in person, by phone, or at the bedside of the dying. Website: www.lifeafterlife.com

Bernie Siegel, MD: Dr. Siegel attended Colgate University and Cornell University Medical College. He retired from practice as an assistant clinical professor of surgery at Yale in 1989 to teach patients and their caregivers. In 1978, he originated Exceptional Cancer Patients, a specific form of individual and group therapy. The physical, spiritual and psychological benefits that followed led to his desire to make everyone aware of his or her healing potential. He realized exceptional behavior is what we are all capable of. He is the author of many books and is currently working on others with the goal of humanizing medical education and medical care as well as empowering patients and teaching survival behavior to enhance immune system competency. In 1978 he began talking about patient empowerment and the choice to live fully and die in peace. As a physician who has cared for and counseled innumerable people whose mortality has been threatened by an illness, Bernie embraces a philosophy of living and dying that stands at the forefront of the medical ethics and spiritual issues our society grapples with today. Website: www.BernieSiegelMD.com

PMH Atwater, LHD: Atwater is one of the original researchers in the field of near-death studies, having begun her work in 1978. Some of her findings have been verified in clinical studies, among them a prospective study conducted in Holland and published in Lancet medical journal. She was presented the Outstanding Service Award from the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists (NATH). She is an international speaker and has been a guest on numerous television shows. Atwater’s books have been translated into over 12 languages. Website: www.pmhatwater.com

Alan Hugenot, ScD: Dr. Hugenot, holds a Doctorate of Science in Mechanical Engineering and is a nationally recognized expert in physics and engineering science, currently he serves on five engineering standards writing committees. His consciousness research continues as a Professional Member of the International Association for Near Death Studies (IANDS), an active member of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), and the Foundation for Mind Being Research (FMBR). He is the author of The New Science of Consciousness Survival and The Death Experience. Alan has made a life study of the scientific basis for the afterlife. Today, continuing to research consciousness survival, many questions remain. The true nature of consciousness survival may always remain a mystery, but rigorous research shows death, like birth, may be a mere passing from one state of consciousness into another. An NDE survivor, medium, and physicist, Dr. Hugenot has the knowledge, experience, and research data necessary to provide insight on these questions. He presents frequently to local and national conventions on consciousness topics.

Karen Wyatt, MD: Dr. Wyatt graduated from the University of New Mexico School of Medicine and completed Family Practice Residency and a Fellowship in Psychiatry at the University of Utah. She spent her 25-year medical career working with patients in challenging settings, such as hospices, nursing homes and indigent clinics. Dr. Wyatt founded a free medical clinic in a homeless shelter, accompanied three medical mission teams to Honduras, and led a non-profit clinic for the uninsured in its growth from a 4-hour per week all-volunteer operation to a full-time, full-service medical center. She has twice testified at Senate briefings on the cutting edge model of integrated medical care, combining physical and behavioral health, which she helped create and implement in her clinic for the uninsured. Dr. Wyatt is a founding member of the Integral Health and Medicine Center where she has taught about the application of Integral Theory to medical care, particularly at the end of life. Motivated by her compassionate heart, she has put her spiritual beliefs into action by being of service to others in need and developing Creative Healing, an initiative to integrate spirituality into traditional medical practice. Inspired by her work as a hospice medical director Dr. Wyatt has written extensively about end-of-life care, including the book “What Really Matters: 7 Lessons for Living from the Stories of the Dying,” which describes the spiritual lessons she learned from her hospice patients. She is also the author of “A Matter of Life & Death: Stories to Heal Loss & Grief.” She lectures frequently to medical and lay audiences about spirituality and the end-of-life. Dr. Wyatt also hosts an online interview series entitled End-of-Life University which features interviews and conversations about all aspects of the end-of-life. She has won numerous awards for her volunteer service including the Spirit of the American Woman Award and being named one of Utah’s 100 Notable Women. She has been featured in USA Today, Publisher’s Weekly, Huffington Post, Shift Magazine, Light of Consciousness Journal, the Denver Post and numerous medical journals. Dr. Wyatt teaches that in order to live life fully we must overcome our fear of death and embrace the difficulties that life brings us. She is an inspired teacher who truly embodies the message she brings to the world. She is married with two children and lives in Colorado. Website: www.karenwyattmd.com

Stephan A. Schwartz, MS: Stephan A. Schwartz is a Distinguished Consulting Faculty of Saybrook University, and a Research Associate of the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory of the Laboratories for Fundamental Research. He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication Schwartzreport.net in both of which he covers trends that are affecting the future. He also writes regularly for The Huffington Post. His other academic and research appointments include: Senior Samueli Fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing of the Samueli Institute; founder and Research Director of the Mobius laboratory; Director of Research of the Rhine Research Center; and Senior Fellow of The Philosophical Research Society. Government appointments include: Special Assistant for Research and Analysis to the Chief of Naval Operations, consultant to the Oceanographer of the Navy. He has also been editorial staff member of National Geographic, Associate Editor of Sea Power. And staff reporter and feature writer for The Daily Press and The Times Herald. For 40 years he has been studying the nature of consciousness, particularly that aspect independent of space and time. Schwartz is part of the small group that founded modern Remote Viewing research, and is the principal researcher studying the use of Remote Viewing in archaeology. Using Remote Viewing he discovered Cleopatra’s Palace, Marc Antony’s Timonium, ruins of the Lighthouse of Pharos, and sunken ships along the California coast, and in the Bahamas. He also uses remote viewing to examine the future. Since 1978, he has been getting people to remote view the year 2050, and out of that has come a complex trend analysis. His submarine experiment, Deep Quest, using Remote Viewing helped determine that non-local consciousness is not an electromagnetic phenomenon. Other areas of experimental study include research into creativity, meditation, and Therapeutic Intent/Healing. He is the author of more than 130 technical reports and papers. In addition to his experimental studies he has written numerous magazine articles for Smithsonian, OMNI, American History, American Heritage, The Washington Post, The New York Times, as well as other magazines and newspapers. He hás produced and written a number television documentaries, and has written four books: The Secret Vaults of Time, The Alexandria Project, Mind Rover, Opening to the Infinite, and his latest, The 8 Laws of Change. Websites: www.stephanaschwartz.com, www.schwartzreport.net and www.explorejournal.com/contents/schwartz

Anita Moorjani: Anita Moorjani, an international speaker and the author of New York Times best seller Dying to Be Me and her latest book, What If This is Heaven?, is a woman with a remarkable story. After a 4-year battle with cancer, Anita fell into a coma and was given days to live. As her doctors gathered to revive her, she journeyed into a near death experience (NDE) where she was surrounded by unconditional love and deep wisdom. In this place, she was given a powerful truth: Heaven is not a destination; it is a state of being. During her NDE, Anita was also given the choice to return to her physical form or to continue into this new realm. She chose the former. And when she regained consciousness, her cancer began to heal. To the amazement of her doctors, she was free of countless tumors and cancer indicators within weeks. Anita’s NDE has captured the hearts and attention of millions across the globe. She has been a featured guest on The Dr. Oz Show, Fox News, The Today Show, CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360, the National Geographic Channel, as well as The Pearl Report in Hong Kong, Headstart with Karen Davila in the Philippines, and many others. Today, Anita lives in the United States with her husband Danny and continues to share her incredible story and lessons internationally. Dying to Be Me has sold millions of copies worldwide, has been translated into 45 languages, and has been optioned by Hollywood Producer Ridley Scott to be made into a full-length feature film. Prior to her cancer diagnosis, Anita lived in Hong Kong and worked in the corporate world for several years. She was born in Singapore of Indian parents and grew up speaking English, Cantonese, and Indian dialect simultaneously. Website: anitamoorjani.com

Bill Guggenheim: Bill Guggenheim is a pioneer in the field of After-Death Communication (ADC) experiences. He is considered to be the “father of ADC research” and has written and spoken on this subject for more than 25 years. A native of New York City, Bill did not always embrace the beliefs he has now. During his first 35 years, he regarded himself as an agnostic, choosing to see life through the lens of “rational materialism”. During this time, Bill was a stockbroker and a securities analyst on Wall Street and had no interest in spiritual matters. He believed “When you’re dead, you’re dead.” In 1974, Bill experienced a spiritual awakening that would shape the rest of his life. He began receiving messages from the “other side” that affirmed life after death—something he did not believe in. “I received messages from people who had already made their transition, many of whom I did not know personally” Bill says. “They asked me to share their messages with their family members and friends who were living. Frankly, I thought I was having a nervous breakdown.” However, with the steady support of his former wife, Judy Guggenheim, Bill was able to navigate through this transformation, and came to see his experiences as a “spiritual breakthrough.” Bill immersed himself in spiritual teachings from a wide variety of sources, both Eastern and Western. He studied with different teachers such as Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and Rev. Anne Gehman to expand his concept of reality. During the years that followed, Bill sought answers to life’s oldest and most profound questions. He and his wife Judy founded The ADC Project to conduct the first in-depth research of After-Death Communications. During their seven years of research, they interviewed 2,000 people and collected more than 3,300 firsthand accounts from people who believed they had been contacted by a deceased family member or friend. Their book Hello From Heaven—the first book published on the topic of After-Death Communication—was published in 1995. It has now been published in many languages. Since Hello From Heaven was published, Bill has spoken at numerous conferences and appeared on a number of television and radio shows to spread the word about After-Death Communications. During that time, Bill made it his personal mission to help those who are grieving the loss of a loved one and validate ADC experiences as a “normal and natural part of life”. Bill states, “In my mind, receiving a message from a loved one who has died is as common as receiving a greeting card from someone who is living. It is my hope that this understanding will someday be embraced and shared by all of humanity.” Websites: www.billguggenheim.com and www.after-death.com

Stanley Krippner, Ph.D: Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., is the Alan Watts Professor of Psychology at Saybrook University, Oakland, California. He also is has an academic affiliation with Akamai University, Sofia University, and the California Institute of Integral Science. He has received lifetime achievement awards from the International Association for the Study of Dreams, the Society for Humanistic Psychology, and the Parapsychological Association. He is a Fellow in five divisions of the American Psychological Association, as well as the Association for Psychological Science. He is co-editor of The Varieties of Anomalous Experience: Examining the Scientific Evidence, and is co-author of several books including Personal Mythology, Debating Psychic Experience, The Voice of Rolling Thunder, and Haunted by Combat. He has conducted seminars and workshops on dreams, hypnosis, and personal mythology throughout the world.

Lynne McTaggert: Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including The Power of Eight. Her worldwide bestsellers The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond are considered seminal books of the New Science and have been translated into 30 languages. She also wrote What Your Doctors Don’t Tell You. Lynne has been referred to over the years as: ‘A metaphysical rock star’, ‘The Madonna of the Quantum World,’ ‘The Malcolm Gladwell of the New Science’ and even ‘The Dalai Mama.’ She is consistently voted to be one of the world’s top 100 spiritual leaders for her ground-breaking work with consciousness and the power of intention. She’s chiefly known for the quality of her writing and in-depth research. Lynne is also a dynamic speaker who regularly gets standing ovations from her worldwide audiences for her inspiring speaking style. She has spoken and held workshops before diverse audiences in most continents around the world from Kuwait to Kuala Lumpur and everywhere in between. She’s also the architect of the Intention Experiment, a global ‘laboratory’ involving thousands of readers around the world testing the power of group thoughts to heal the world. As co-founder and editor of the world’s #1 health magazine What Doctors Don’t Tell You, now published in 14 countries worldwide, Lynne is a tireless campaigner for consumer rights in health care. Most recently, she has discovered the Power of Eight, phenomenon – the fact that intention magnifies and rebounds in a small group, which is presently being studied by a major university. Website: www.LynneMcTaggart.com

Dr. Konstantin Korokov: Konstantin Korotkov, PhD, is Professor of Computer Science and Biophysics at St. Petersburg University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics in Russia and a senior researcher at St. Petersburg Research institute of Physical Activity and Sport. He has published over 400 papers in leading journals on physics and biology, and holds 15 patents on biophysics inventions. He is the author of 10 books including “The Energy of Health” and “The Energy of Consciousness.” Prof. Korotkov has led a research career for over 40 years, combining rigorous scientific method with an insatiable curiosity about things of the spirit and the soul with deep respect for all life. He has given lectures, seminars and training sessions in 56 countries, presenting papers and workshops at more than 100 national and international conferences. At the V Congress of the International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography (IUMAB) in Curitiba, Brasil, Dr.Korotkov was elected as President of the IUMAB by the world’s most prominent researchers. His technique, Electrophotonic Imaging (EPI), previously called Gas Discharge Visualization technique (GDV), is a breakthrough beyond Kirlian photography for direct, real-time viewing of the human energy system. This technology allows one to capture by a special camera the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy emanating to and from an individual, plants, liquids, powders, inanimate objects and translate this into a computerized model. This allows researcher and client to see imbalances that may be influencing an individual’s well-being greatly facilitating the diagnosis of the cause of any existing imbalances showing the area of the body and the organ systems involved. His latest instrument, Bio-Well, has EU, UL and FDA certifications. The GDV technique is accepted by the Russian Ministry of Health as a Medical technology and by the Russian Ministry of Sport. It is one of the key technologies for sports and more than 5000 doctors, practitioners and researchers benefit who use this technology worldwide. Websites: www.korotkov.eu www.bio-well.com