Dear SoulPhone family,

Exciting news is happening with the SoulPhone project. As subscribers to our newsletter, you are literally among the first people on our planet to learn about this!

First, everything is proceeding quickly and wonderfully with the project. To learn about anticipated timeframes and descriptions for each spirit communication device, read the Soul Phone Overview below.

Second, esteemed evidential medium Suzane Northrup is giving a webinar to benefit the SoulPhone Foundation on July 18th. See flyer below. We hope you will join us and share news of this fascinating event with others.

Love and life are eternal. Shall we now live accordingly?

SoulPhone® Technology Prototype Research Program
The SoulPhone® refers to a combination of innovative and integrative technologies that are being developed by Dr. Gary E. Schwartz and a team of colleagues affiliated with the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at the University of Arizona. This comprehensive research program is funded by a visionary consortium of anonymous donors.

The purpose of the program is to develop working prototypes of accurate technologies for communicating with “deceased” persons – those in spirit who are very much alive and want to continue relationships with those of us on Earth. Their purpose is to collaborate with us to advance personal and planetary peace and wellness. There are four major categories of technologies / devices that together comprise the SoulPhone:

SoulSwitch allows spirit to communicate with a human by signaling Yes / No answers. It is a binary switch that has two positions: “On” signaling a “Yes” answer or “Off” signaling “No.”

SoulKeyboard is made using a combination of SoulSwitches arranged in the format of a keyboard. Just as with a standard keyboard, each key on the SoulKeyboard represents a letter, number or special character. Each of the keys has a corresponding binary switch associated with it. When a switch is activated by spirit, it is equivalent to a key being depressed by a human operator. The result of the key activation (i.e. appropriate letter, etc.) is displayed on a computer screen.

SoulVoice will allow those on earth to hear the voice of those on “the other side.”

SoulVideo will enable a human to see moving images of spirit beings on a computer or TV screen.

Device Descriptions: Each of the devices described above are in various stages of research and development (R & D) with the ultimate goal of implementing the SoulPhone working prototype. The R & D program’s description, status, and anticipated time frame, are briefly described below.

SoulSwitch Implementation: This work is comprised of 4 phases:

Phase 1 – This phase, begun in 2014 and completed early in 2017, is based on a pulsed light / split beam technology that has produced statistically significant results. The “proof of concept” completion of this phase represents a major step forward towards practical soulcommunications.

Phase 2 – This phase is intended to (1) amplify detection of spirit communications 100 times (or more) from what was achieved in Phase 1 and, (2) substantially reduce the noise associated with the communications signal. A further objective is to stabilize the technologies used to improve the reliability and sensitivity of the signal and the detection equipment.

Phase 3 – Assuming that Phase 2 meets the goals stated above, Phases 3 and 4 will follow. Phase 3 is designed to further increase the precision and reliability of spirit communications by identifying the “most appropriate” frequency of light for optimal spirit-communication.

Phase 4 – Presuming an appropriate frequency (or set of frequencies) is determined in Phase 3, Phase 4 will investigate, build and implement the appropriate band pass filters to further improve signal detection. When used with the optimal light source, these filters should result in a very sensitive, reliable, and precise measurement of the spirit communications signal.

With a working prototype of the SoulSwitch, a highly reliable “Yes” / “No” response can be used in a “20 questions” scenario. With a judicious choice of questions, we most likely will be able to prove we are communicating with real spirits – whether it is a personal loved one or a distinguished scientist. This communication is the primary objective of Phase 4.

SoulKeyboard Implementation
Once a reliable and accurate switch is available, the SoulKeyboard prototype can be implemented. The keyboard will consist of approximately 40 switches, one for each key of a standard computer keyboard. This stage will not require any new discoveries or inventions. It will be built utilizing the technologies developed from the results obtained from Phases 3 & 4 of the SoulSwitch. Development will focus on a miniaturized and cost-effective implementation of the keyboard comprised of the 40 plus required switches along with appropriate computer software and computer display screen interface.

SoulVoice Implementation
SoulVoice is a separate complementary device that will enable voice detection of those who have “passed on.” The ultimate goal is to develop a working prototype to “hear” spirit speech. The proof-of-concept research for this component is less developed than the SoulSwitch. It is not known at this point how precise the fidelity of the voice signal will be but early experiments completed thus far in Phase 1 indicates that it will likely be intelligible. The initial goal for Phase 2 of this device will be to hear discernible “Yes” / “No” spoken responses to a series of questions so in that regard it will operate similarly to the SoulSwitch described above. Further phases will improve voice fidelity so that ultimately real continuous speech can be detected and understood.

SoulVideo Implementation
SoulVideo is also a separate but complementary component for the SoulPhone. The goal of this component is to detect and display moving images of spirit on a computer or TV screen. Phase 1 of the implementation of the equipment and software and active experimentation is now in progress. Initial results appear promising. The preliminary objective of Phase 1 is to display an image even if it is suboptimal or blurry. Further phases will refine the equipment and the processing of the video signal to enhance the image stream and therefore improve the quality of the images in the video stream. It is anticipated that the 2D SoulVideo system can be further developed into 3D.

The SoulPhone prototype devices represent an integrated set of complementary components and each requires its own equipment and staffing. The major engineering skills necessary for implementing these components include optical engineering, audio engineering, video engineering, electrical engineering, software engineering, and project management.

Commercialization to reduce deployment costs for full product rollout will follow the working prototype completion. Assuming minimal unanticipated technological hurdles to overcome, it is possible to develop the SoulSwitch and SoulKeyboard projects in parallel with the SoulVoice and Soul Video projects. Doing so will significantly reduce the total time, perhaps only two years, required to implement all four components of the SoulPhone.