Gary E. Schwartz PhD is a clinically and spiritually minded scientist. Mark Pitstick MA, DC is a scientifically and spiritually minded clinician. They wrote the Greater Reality Living book and, with the assistance of brilliant and dedicated staff members, the SoulPhone Foundation and Greater Reality Living groups were created.

The greater reality” is a term that describes the vast majority of life that cannot be detected by your senses, but is nonetheless very real.  Your five senses, as amazing as they are, detect much less than 1% of all that exists.  For example, what is visible to the human eye is just a small fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum.


Reality is defined as the state of things as they actually exist.  Because so much of reality escapes the senses, you likely have viewed life as though through a tiny pinhole – and then wondered why things don’t make sense.  As the old saying goes, “There is much more to life than meets the eye.” Most people readily agree with this statement, but don’t realize its numerous and wonderful implications.

“Greater reality living” is a phrase that invites you to consider how you might live differently and treat others when you really know life continues after physical death.

Many of your current beliefs about what happens after bodily death may be based on religious teachings that you accept on faith. If so, we respect your beliefs.  We especially appreciate  those teachings containing common threads with other great wisdom sources.

However, our perspectives are primarily based on contemporary knowledge and under-standings from scientific, clinical and experiential evidence.  Some of these views correlate nicely with religious teachings, while others do not.  A greater reality perspective indicates, with varying degrees of certainty, that you:

  • continue living after physical death.
  • do not really lose loved ones — people and pets — after their earthly shells perish.
  • can enjoy a continuing, although different, relationship with those loved ones.
  • encounter not just one, but many life experiences.
  • are one with the One and an integral part of Life Source now.
  • receive assistance and guidance from sources variously described as angels, guides, master teachers, or higher energies.
  • create how heavenly or hellish your life feels — whether on earth or elsewhere — by your predominant thoughts, words, and deeds.
  • are interconnected with other people, animals, nature, and all of life.
  • have special purposes for experiencing being on this planet now.

None of the above is apparent when you rely on just your five senses.  All of the above can assist having a more joyful, peaceful, and meaningful human experience.  Knowing this great news can wonderfully transform how you live now and in the next phase of life.

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