Online Greater Reality Living Groups will be held twice per month during morning and evening hours Eastern time to enable people around the world to attend.

Online groups are planned to start in 2025

The dates will be announced via our newsletter and on social media. Please stay connected.

In a course of six monthly webinars, Mark Pitstick, MA, DC will teach the LIVES formula:

  1. Learn the scientific and clinical evidence that you continue to live after bodily death
  2. Internalize ‘The Great News’ listed in article #19 at
  3. Vitalize and holistically balance yourself
  4. Enjoy the many benefits of greater reality living
  5. Serve others and yourself to make the world a better place

For maximum benefit, you are encouraged to attend all six sessions.

  • The meetings will NOT be recorded for confidentiality reasons.
  • Note: these are meetings where people can share personal experiences and challenge.  As such, others will be able to see and hear you .

Session 1: Overview of Keys to Greater Reality Living

Learn the greater reality living vision and how that can improve your life and our world.

Topics covered will include:

  • What is the greater reality?
  • What is Greater Reality Living?
  • What is the SoulPhone?
  • How can this technology potentially help many people and our world?
  • Why did he and Dr. Schwartz write the Greater Reality Living book?
  • Why were the groups designed?
  • What is the LIVES formula, and how can it help you?
  • In addition, Dr. Pitstick will answer some of your biggest questions and challenges about life, death, and the afterlife.

Session 2: Learn the Evidence That You Continue To Live After Bodily Death

A review of the most compelling scientific and clinical data that strongly indicates you survive bodily death.

Topics covered will include:

1.   Scientific Evidence (done by researchers in laboratory settings)

  • Evidential medium research
  • The SoulPhone ‘spirit’ communication technology developed at Univ. of Arizona
  • Input from eminent scientists about a greater reality

2.  Clinical evidence (observed and studied by professors, physicians, and psychologists)

  • Near-death experiences, especially documented types and with blind persons
  • Past life memories recalled spontaneously or under hypnosis
  • Peri-natal experiences recalled spontaneously or under hypnosis
  • Life between lives sessions by Dr. Michael Newton and other therapists
  • Terminal lucidity
  • Death bed visions, especially when also observed by family and staff members
  • Shared death experiences, especially when also observed by family and staff

3.  Empirical evidence (based on firsthand experiences of people)

  • After-death communications (spontaneous, via mirror gazing, facilitated, induced, EVP, and ITC)
  • Out-of-body experiences
  • Revelatory experiences (perceptions of angels, miracles, the Light, etc.)

Session 3: Internalize the Great News That You Are a Forever Being

Learn how to move from a mere intellectual understanding to a deeper internalized knowing and owning of your infinite, special, and eternal self.

Topics covered will include:

  • why it’s important to internalize this great news.
  • why some people are afraid to believe that life really is safe and never-ending.
  • how this information can help those who feel lost, hopeless, and depressed.
  • keys to more deeply internalizing the great news of your immortality and all the wonderful benefits that accompany that realization.
  • an experiential session using deep relaxation and visual imagery to help the process of internalizing this great news and living accordingly
  • … and more case studies and evidence based information.

Session 4: Vitalize and Holistically Balance Yourself

Learn how to fine-tune yourself in body, mind, and spirit so you are more balanced, happy, and vibrantly healthy.

Topics covered in this session include:

  • What does holistic health have to do with greater reality living?
  • Practical solutions for increases in obesity, ADD, autism, dementia, depression, suicide, addiction, mass murders, imbalance, etc.
  • Our world can improve as more people upgrade and transform themselves.
  • People with evolved energies (intermediate to advanced souls) may be more sensitive to chemicals, heavy metal, nutritional deficiencies, and other imbalances.
  • An experiential session that uses deep relaxation and visual imagery to help you get in touch with your innate intelligence.
  • .. and more case studies and evidence based information.

Session 5: Enjoy the Many Benefits of Greater Reality Living

This session shares how knowing your deathless nature can improve your life now and always.

Topics covered will include:

  • 9 pieces of great news indicated by the existing scientific and clinical evidence
  • 12 benefits of knowing and applying the information from sessions 1 – 4
  • why it’s so important to remember who you are and why you’re on earth at this time
  • an experiential session using deep relaxation and imagery to help you realize all the wonderful news that you can incorporate into your world view and how you live.
  • .. and more case studies and evidence based information.

Session 6: Serve Others and Yourself To Make the World a Better Place

Helping others helps the giver and the recipients. Learn how you can make a difference in our world and upgrade the quality of your life in the process.

Topics covered will include:

  • might the LIVES formula awaken a sufficient number of people to heal our world?
  • each person has special gifts and talents; world peace and wellness can occur as more people share those
  • collectively, we can stop immoral political and big business interests from blocking important changes
  • the importance of realizing we are all interconnected and part of Source
  • what Albert Einstein purportedly said via a top medium about the LIVES formula
  • an experiential session using deep relaxation and visual imagery to help you consider how you can better serve others and yourself to make our world a better place.
  • .. and more case studies and evidence based information

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