In a course of six monthly webinars, Mark Pitstick, MA, DC will teach the LIVES formula:
- Learn the scientific and clinical evidence that you continue to live after bodily death
- Internalize ‘The Great News’ listed in article #19 at
- Vitalize and holistically balance yourself
- Enjoy the many benefits of greater reality living
- Serve others and yourself to make the world a better place
For maximum benefit, you are encouraged to attend all six sessions.
- The meetings will NOT be recorded for confidentiality reasons.
- Note: these are meetings where people can share personal experiences and challenge. As such, others will be able to see and hear you .
Session 1: Overview of Keys to Greater Reality Living
Learn the greater reality living vision and how that can improve your life and our world.
Topics covered will include:
- What is the greater reality?
- What is Greater Reality Living?
- What is the SoulPhone?
- How can this technology potentially help many people and our world?
- Why did he and Dr. Schwartz write the Greater Reality Living book?
- Why were the groups designed?
- What is the LIVES formula, and how can it help you?
- In addition, Dr. Pitstick will answer some of your biggest questions and challenges about life, death, and the afterlife.
Session 2: Learn the Evidence That You Continue To Live After Bodily Death
A review of the most compelling scientific and clinical data that strongly indicates you survive bodily death.
Topics covered will include:
1. Scientific Evidence (done by researchers in laboratory settings)
- Evidential medium research
- The SoulPhone ‘spirit’ communication technology developed at Univ. of Arizona
- Input from eminent scientists about a greater reality
2. Clinical evidence (observed and studied by professors, physicians, and psychologists)
- Near-death experiences, especially documented types and with blind persons
- Past life memories recalled spontaneously or under hypnosis
- Peri-natal experiences recalled spontaneously or under hypnosis
- Life between lives sessions by Dr. Michael Newton and other therapists
- Terminal lucidity
- Death bed visions, especially when also observed by family and staff members
- Shared death experiences, especially when also observed by family and staff
3. Empirical evidence (based on firsthand experiences of people)
- After-death communications (spontaneous, via mirror gazing, facilitated, induced, EVP, and ITC)
- Out-of-body experiences
- Revelatory experiences (perceptions of angels, miracles, the Light, etc.)
Session 3: Internalize the Great News That You Are a Forever Being
Learn how to move from a mere intellectual understanding to a deeper internalized knowing and owning of your infinite, special, and eternal self.
Topics covered will include:
- why it’s important to internalize this great news.
- why some people are afraid to believe that life really is safe and never-ending.
- how this information can help those who feel lost, hopeless, and depressed.
- keys to more deeply internalizing the great news of your immortality and all the wonderful benefits that accompany that realization.
- an experiential session using deep relaxation and visual imagery to help the process of internalizing this great news and living accordingly
- … and more case studies and evidence based information.
Session 4: Vitalize and Holistically Balance Yourself
Learn how to fine-tune yourself in body, mind, and spirit so you are more balanced, happy, and vibrantly healthy.
Topics covered in this session include:
- What does holistic health have to do with greater reality living?
- Practical solutions for increases in obesity, ADD, autism, dementia, depression, suicide, addiction, mass murders, imbalance, etc.
- Our world can improve as more people upgrade and transform themselves.
- People with evolved energies (intermediate to advanced souls) may be more sensitive to chemicals, heavy metal, nutritional deficiencies, and other imbalances.
- An experiential session that uses deep relaxation and visual imagery to help you get in touch with your innate intelligence.
- .. and more case studies and evidence based information.
Session 5: Enjoy the Many Benefits of Greater Reality Living
This session shares how knowing your deathless nature can improve your life now and always.
Topics covered will include:
- 9 pieces of great news indicated by the existing scientific and clinical evidence
- 12 benefits of knowing and applying the information from sessions 1 – 4
- why it’s so important to remember who you are and why you’re on earth at this time
- an experiential session using deep relaxation and imagery to help you realize all the wonderful news that you can incorporate into your world view and how you live.
- .. and more case studies and evidence based information.
Session 6: Serve Others and Yourself To Make the World a Better Place
Helping others helps the giver and the recipients. Learn how you can make a difference in our world and upgrade the quality of your life in the process.
Topics covered will include:
- might the LIVES formula awaken a sufficient number of people to heal our world?
- each person has special gifts and talents; world peace and wellness can occur as more people share those
- collectively, we can stop immoral political and big business interests from blocking important changes
- the importance of realizing we are all interconnected and part of Source
- what Albert Einstein purportedly said via a top medium about the LIVES formula
- an experiential session using deep relaxation and visual imagery to help you consider how you can better serve others and yourself to make our world a better place.
- .. and more case studies and evidence based information