Congratulations on your awareness and interest in attending a Greater Reality Living® Group
Note: local GRL groups cannot meet now (Sept. 2020) because of the pandemic. As such, we are not taking applications for starting new groups. Please email us at and we will contact you when groups can meet again.
However, we will start online GRL meetings in November 2020. Please check the newsletters at and to learn when and how to sign up.
Qualify to Become a Facilitator
Potential facilitators must apply and be approved. Click on the Facilitator Application Form.
Facilitator Support
If you qualify, we’ll provide guidance for you to start and run a group
- recommendations for finding a meeting place, promoting your group, and more
- formatted discussion materials for each group session including videos in English
- monthly meetings with Facilitator managers and Facilitators to share in our experience of running groups, and get the latest updates from SoulPhone.
- access to Facilitators’ forum so you can ask and share experience with other Facilitators
- support as needed from our volunteer Facilitator Managers: David, Christine, Tava, Silvia, and Maryam
Facilitator Benefits
The main reward for being a facilitator will no doubt be helping others to awaken to The Greater Reality in your communities. However, to thank you for all your effort, we have a host of other benefits for you including some free audio recordings. See here for what is on offer.
A donation of $5 (or equivalent) is requested for attending group meetings. However, no one will be turned away if there is a true inability to pay.