The Big Picture of Life – co-authored by Katta Mapes MA, MEd, Mark Pitstick MA, DC, and Gary E. Schwartz PhD – is now available.  This book shares their answers to the ultimate questions that most people – including young ones – eventually ask. These include

  • Who am I?
  • Why am I here?
  • What happens after I die?
  • Is there really a wise and loving Higher Power?
  • Why is there suffering?
  • How can I best live while on earth? and others.

This book will very likely help one or more young people you know. The target range for The
Big Picture of Life was ages 10 – 16. However, younger or older kids may benefit depending on
a number of factors. These include: intelligence, how evolved they are, and how much
common sense and evidential religious / spiritual teaching they’ve encountered.

We hope this book will especially be a blessing for brothers and sister of a child whose body
died. (Note the conscious language we used throughout this book: the child didn’t
really die, just his or her physical body – what we call the earthsuit – did.)
We anticipate that some adults will benefit more from this book than
Greater Reality Living written by Drs. Pitstick and Schwartz.

Your time on earth can be so much more enjoyable, peaceful and loving when you deeply know
that bodily death is not the end of life. That statement has now been definitively demonstrated
scientifically in replicated university research.

Likewise, you can have more awareness about all aspects of your life, including your purpose,
when you really know that you and everyone else are one with Source Energy right now.
Further, this earthly experience makes much more sense when you resolutely know that you
will see ‘departed’ loved ones – people and pets – again after you pass on.

In addition, you can likely visit now with those who have passed on but not passed away. See
article #9 at to learn more about that.

The statements about you being an integral part of All That is now and seeing ‘deceased’ loved
ones again are backed by clinical evidence. Given recent scientific findings, we now have an
even greater degree of certainty they are true.

Ms. Mapes holds dual masters degrees in education and counseling and has decades of experience
helping children. Dr. Pitstick has helped many people in hospitals, pastoral counseling settings,
mental health centers, and holistic health care centers. Dr. Schwartz, a former Harvard and
tenured professor at Yale, directs the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at
the University of Arizona.

You can order The Big Picture of Life in e-book, printed, and audio-book
formats from:
Amazon  or

Thank you for sharing this information with others and for helping others know that this earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful,
and magnificent experience amidst eternity.