Note: if you haven’t already, please read the information under top tab Greater Reality Programs first

Greater Reality SHARING: Two magnificently life and world-transformative events are planned to occur in 2025 . . .

1. Official announcements of definitive scientific proof for life after bodily death.

2. Public demonstrations of technology that allows binary Yes / No communication with postmaterial persons (PMPs) (As described in article #31 What Is a Postmaterial Person?, the so-called ‘deceased’ are very much alive, well, and active.) Two categories of PMPs who can be contacted include:

a. beloved family members and friends

b. scientists, educators, leaders, religious teachers, and others who were luminary geniuses and pioneers in their fields while on earth. Indications are that these members of ‘The A-Team’ have continued to progress in the next phase of life and want to help people and our planet.

These two events are possible after 25 years of research and development by Gary E. Schwartz PhD, a former professor at Harvard and Yale. Now professor emeritus at the University of Arizona, Dr. Schwartz directs the SoulPhone Project at the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health.

He is assisted by a team of outstanding electrical engineers, software developers, evidential mediums, and ‘The A-Team’. Since 2016, I’ve been the project spokesperson, assisted research, and helped shape strategic planning and implementation with Dr. Schwartz. This project can be ‘the tipping point’ for widespread conscious living and world peace. To learn more and watch videos about this project, visit

The Greater Reality SHARING Program will prepare visionary individuals and thought leaders in religion, education, leadership, law, health care, business, philosophy, entertainment, and other fields. The primary goal of this program is to facilitate a positive paradigm shift so a majority of people worldwide have positive reactions to the events described above. To learn more about this program, see article #122 Greater Reality SHARING.

Again, subscribe to the free newsletters at and to receive updates. Meetings will be held for those who want to assist positive paradigm shifts after SoulPhone Project announcements and demonstrations.