Postmaterial Collaborators with the SoulPhone™ Project
The SoulPhone Project is based on Dr. Schwartz’s cumulative hypotheses about light, energy and information. When applied to survival of consciousness, they predict that life would have to continue after death. Further, individuals who have passed on would retain their consciousness, identity, and core aspects of their previous physical form.
From 2010 to the present, Dr. Schwartz and his team developed numerous different experiments using state-of-the-art technologies in an attempt to hear, see and measure PMPs utilizing highly sensitive sensors. In 2010, Rhonda Eklund Schwartz, an evidential research medium and wife of Dr. Schwartz, began establishing communication with a number of hypothesized postmaterial collaborators. Ten other evidential mediums have independently corroborated the interest by these esteemed luminaries to help this project.
A team of postmaterial collaborators came together to work with Rhonda and Dr. Schwartz. Each ‘deceased’ luminary brought a unique set of talents, expertise, and an apparently genuine commitment to help with building this technology. Members of the ‘A-Team’ include scientists, educators, lay people, and entertainers — some whose names you would recognize.
However, as Dr. Schwartz says, “It’s not about the team, and it’s not about the technology. It’s about the potential to positively transform many people and our world.” A-Team members continue to play a critical role in the research to this day.
- Evidence: A-Team members frequently provides evidence of life after death, and their collaboration with us, via:
a. Mediumship Validation: Over ten evidential mediums have provided independent confirmation that members of the A-Team are indeed working with us. Some of these validations occurred during scheduled readings and working sessions with the mediums under blind conditions. Others occurred spontaneously in group readings and during exploratory conversations with the mediums. In other cases, we invited mediums to participate in special research projects with the A-Team. Additional details came through that further validated what we had previously been told and provided new information to consider when designing future technology.
b. Information Validation: A-Team members have often provided information about their existence that is later confirmed by events, scientific results, or research. This evidential information is essential to trust and take seriously what they are telling us.
c. Signs and Synchronicities: These are among the most interesting aspects of the ‘language of spirit’. Creative symbols and juxtapositions of events enhance our confidence that A-Team members are aware of what we are doing and interacting with us.
- Science: A-Team members have spent countless hours answering questions about their realm, ‘physiology’, and how they interact with our dimension. They have also provided valuable details about how postmaterial communication technology can be constructed. Scientists and inventors on the A-Team have patiently worked to give us details of the physics and optics involved. We see this information as being their intellectual property. Dr. Schwartz seriously considers what A-Team members about their understandings of the nature of their world. That is vitally important information as he thinks through and designs integrative software and hardware.
- Experimentation: Laboratory experiments in this field would be impossible without the active participation of willing, eager, and dedicated spirits. Their commitment to the process of discovery and verification is evidenced by them always showing up when requested. This can involve informal conversation about the experiments, in-depth questioning about the procedures, and lengthy sessions working with the equipment in the laboratory.
- Inspiration: Spirit’s involvement in this work inspires us about the prospects of a breakthrough in postmaterial communication and building reliable technology for communicating with them. Their dedication is often seen in surprising signs and synchronicities that show their playfulness, wisdom, and caring. That is especially important in the face of hostile critics and challenges of raising necessary research funds. The A-Teams enthusiasm for this work indicates a level of caring about humanity and the planet that reflects much understanding, compassion, and wisdom.