Dear SoulPhone family,

The AREI conference in Scottsdale, AZ on Sept. 15 – 17 will be a magnificent event for anyone interested in the 99.9% of life that escapes the senses and explains many of life’s greatest challenges and questions.  I hope you join us to more deeply remember that you are an infinite being of consciousness/spirit/energy.  Self-realization, enlightenment, perceiving the greater reality — however you phrase it — is a HUGE key to enjoying a successful, peaceful, happy, and loving life now and always.

Gary Schwartz, Ph.D. and two of the most impressive mediums he’s researched, Suzanne Giesemann and Susanne Wilson, will also be there.

I’ll share three of my most powerful presentations at this conference:

  1. Facilitated After-Death Contact: Experience an increased awareness of your loved ones, people and pets, who have transitioned from earth-school.  Based on his training from Drs. Raymond Moody, Brian Weiss, and Ken Ring, Mark’s hypnosis session can expand your perception that your “departed” loved ones are really very near. Learn how to enjoy a different, but very real and wonderful relationship with them here and now.
  2. Pre-Birth Planning: Did My Soul REALLY Choose All This? Get in touch with why you, as a soul, chose at least the probability of certain events during this earth-experience—especially the perplexing and challenges ones. With help from your angels, guides and the Light, you can revisit your pre-birth planning to gain more peace, clarity, and empowerment about how to best live in your here and now.
  3. The Angel Wash: Enjoy this healing energetic-shower from others to wash away lower-energy emotions and enjoy unconditional love.  Helps you remember more deeply that you are a beloved, wise, powerful, special, and infinite being of energy.  Removes energetic blocks that keep you from knowing and expressing this truth in every aspect of your life.

I hope to see you there!

Love and life are forever.  Shall we now live accordingly?

Hugs and blessings,