Gary Schwartz PhD – and a team of software programmers, electrical engineers, evidential mediums, and other specialists – have created SoulSwitch technology that definitely demonstrates life after death.

At first glance, this statement might seem impossible or even ridiculous to you. Perhaps it would open your mind a bit more if you knew that three eminent inventors from prior centuries endeavored to create similar devices:

Alexander Graham Bell tried to make a “Telephone to the Dead”


Thomas Edison worked on a “Spirit Finder”


Marconi experimented with a “Radio to the Dead”

In the 21st century, Dr. Schwartz – a former Yale and Harvard professor with over 450 scientific papers and editor of eleven academic books – has advanced postmaterial communication technology. Updated hardware and software enable greater progress than was possible in the past.

Marconi, Bell, and Edison were genius scientists who helped the world in powerful ways. The many advantages of Dr. Gary Schwartz’s work cannot be fully imagined, but you will benefit from them!

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