Dr. Pitstick will conduct interviews about the SoulPhone Project with qualified hosts. Due to research and development projects, Dr. Schwartz can only grant large national media interviews. Both will require that potential interviewers:

  1. read at least the introduction and chapter 1 of their book ‘Greater Reality Living’
  2. read the information under Home, About, and Research tabs at SoulPhone.org
  3. demonstrate their understanding of that information by correctly answering the questions below

Interviewer Questions to Answer Before Scheduling a Show

Please answer these True / False questions, then copy and send to mark@soulproof.com when requesting an interview.

  1. __ Gary E. Schwartz PhD directs the SoulPhone research at the University of Arizona’s Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health.
  2. __ Twelve different SoulPhone devices are now ready for commercialization.
  3. __ ‘Postmaterial person’ is our term for people whose bodies have died, but are yet alive in another part of the greater reality.
  4. __ Head research medium Rhonda Schwartz MA and ten other evidentiary mediums work with ‘The A-Team’, a group of about 30 postmaterial scientists, inventors, and other luminaries.
  5. __The first practical communication device is expected to be SoulVideo™.
  6. __Mark Pitstick MA, DC directs the SoulPhone Foundation. He also founded Greater Reality Living groups to educate people about researched evidence that life continues after death.
  7. __No postmaterial (‘deceased’) people were involved in this project.
  8. __Dr. Schwartz is assisted by electrical engineers, software specialists, and other experts.
  9. __Replicated scientific experiments have shown life ceases after the earthly body dies.
  10. __ The SoulPhone Project has taken place at ten top universities for over 25 years.
  11. __The SoulPhone will allow communication with postmaterial loved ones and ‘deceased’ geniuses who want to help us improve life on earth.
  12. __ Grieving people can have hope and comfort now because of scientific definitive demonstrations of life after bodily death.
  13. __The first commercializable device is now being manufactured by a major tech company.
  14. __Cell phones were available just ten years after Bell patented the first telephone.
  15. __Additional funding by visionary investors is needed to produce a highly accurate, reliable, and practical SoulPhone device.
  16. __Even though they may still be alive, there is no scientific evidence that people who have transitioned from earth would want to talk with people on earth.
  17. __Dr. Schwartz is the first scientist to conduct university research using double-blinded, controlled, and replicated experiments to test technologies for communicating with ‘deceased’ people.
  18. __SoulSwitch Demonstrations are planned for 2023.
  19. __Media people will not be allowed to attend the SoulSwitch Demonstrations sessions.
  20. __ SoulSwitch Sessions will allow people assurance that a ‘deceased’ loved one is alive and allow rudimentary communication

Sample Interview Questions
1. How did you become involved in afterlife evidence?

2. When and how did you and Dr. Schwartz meet?

3. What is Dr. Schwartz’s training and experience?

4. I understand that you have two exciting statements that almost no one knows yet?

5. What is a ‘postmaterial person’ and why do you use that term? How does that relate to the consciousness and energy?

6. What is the SoulPhone? Has it been successful yet in reaching the deceased? Can I call my departed loved ones with it yet?

7. This is a lot of information so let’s drop back a bit.How did Dr. Schwartz’s research with mediums lead to R & D of ‘spirit’ communication technology?

8. What or who is ‘the A-Team’? Can you share who some of them are?

9. What mediums work with these luminaries?

10. What earthly team members help Dr. Schwartz and you?

11. How have the signals of ‘departed’ persons be detected so far?

12. Has the SoulPhone contacted “ordinary people” or only A-team members?

13. What does the SoulPhone Foundation do?

14. I noticed an impressive list of advisors for the foundation. What is their role?

15. Why did you and Dr. Schwartz write the book ‘Greater Reality Living’ and what does that phrase mean?

16. I also see that you two wrote ‘The Big Picture of Life’, a book for children?

17. The foundation requests help from donors. Why is that needed? Who on the SoulPhone Project gets salaries and how much?

18. Have any scientific papers been written about all this?

19. When do you think the SoulKeyboard will be ready?

20. How do you answer skeptics who say this is fake news?

21. I understand that multi-centered studies are being prepared for other labs to see if your findings are replicated?

22. Will SoulPhone devices one day be available for everyone to use?

23. What are Greater Reality Living (GRL) groups and what is their purpose?

24. What is the LIVES formula?

25. Would you share what Albert Einstein and David Bohm said about the potential of the LIVES formula for positively transforming many people and our planet?

26. What are some of the benefits of greater reality living?

27. How can people attend GRL group meetings and learn more?

28. How can people obtain the Greater Reality Living book?

29. What are S.E.E.D. events and when will they start?

30. What are H.O.P.E. sessions and when will those start?

31. How does this information help people, especially those who are suffering and searching?

32. Can you share how this information has already helped others?

33. Are there opportunities for donors and investors who want to help this technology become available to people around the world?

34. What resources exist to help people learn more?

Controversy Points
1. No one really dies.​

2. Deceased loved ones are alive, well, and trying to contact us.

3. Some mediums are fakes, but others are the real deal.

4. Famous scientists such as Bohm, Einstein, Edison, Tesla, and others are trying to help us.

5. Technology is being created and will allow us to text and talk with departed loved ones.

6. The SoulPhone will change life as we know in many ways.

Mark Pitstick, MA, DC

Mark Pitstick, MA, DC, has over fifty years of experience helping people in hospitals, pastoral counseling settings, mental health centers, and holistic health care practice.

His training includes: bachelor of science degree in zoology (Ohio State University 1975); graduate theology studies majoring in pastoral counseling (Methodist Theological School of Ohio 1977 – 1978); master of arts in clinical psychology (Western Carolina University 1980); and doctorate in chiropractic health care (Palmer College of Chiropractic 1985). Mark has completed extensive postgraduate training in clinical nutrition. While attending theology school, he provided suicide prevention counseling and education.

When Mark was six years old, he told his parents that a beautiful sunset ‘reminds me of God.’ At age 10, he became aware of occasional clairaudient and clairsentient abilities; since then, he’s had a number of revelatory and spiritually transformative experiences.

After working in hospitals with many suffering and dying adults and children, he was motivated to find evidence-based answers to questions that many people ask: “Who am I? Why am I here? What happens after I die? Will I see my departed loved ones again? Is there a God? If so, why is there so much suffering? and How can I best live during this brief earthly experience?”

Dr. Pitstick wrote the books Soul Proof, Radiant Wellness, The Eleven Questions, The Afterlife Evidence, and Ask the Soul Doctor with endorsements from Drs. Wayne Dyer, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Deepak Chopra, Bernie Siegel, and others. He also co-authored Greater Reality Living (with Gary E. Schwartz PhD), and The Big Picture of Life (with Dr. Schwartz and Katta Mapes MA, MEd). His latest book, Shining Light Parents Speak, was published in 2024.

Mark produced the Soul Proof documentary film with interviews of people who had near-death experiences, after-death communications, and other eye-opening encounters. His ten audio products use deep relaxation, breathing techniques, and guided imagery to help people deeply know and show they are integral, infinite, eternal, and beloved parts of Source. He created the Ask Your Soul, Life Review, and Afterlife Contact techniques. Mark’s e-books, audio books, and audio programs are free; Mark only asks that recipients help others as they feel called.

A frequent media guest, Mark hosted Soul-utions, a radio show about practical spirituality, and Ask the Soul Doctors with interviews of top consciousness experts. His interviews with Brian Weiss MD, Caroline Myss MA, Michael Newton PhD, Anita Moorjani, and others can be heard at SoulProof.com/Radio Shows. He has given many workshops / webinars on spiritual awareness and holistic wellness.

Pitstick is certified in past life regression therapy by Brian Weiss MD, and the mirror gazing technique by Raymond Moody PhD, MD. Mark was the executive vice-president of Eternea started by Eben Alexander MD and John Audette MA. He provides clinical support for Helping Parents Heal group leaders and Caring Listeners, is an honorary board member, and contributes to their newsletter for Shining Light Parents.

For eight years, Mark directed the SoulPhone Foundation that: (1.) taught the collective evidence for life after death to people worldwide, and (2.) supported ‘spirit’ communication technology research and development at the University of Arizona. He is a research assistant, spokesperson, and strategic planner for the SoulPhone Project at the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health.

Data from years of research have now definitively demonstrated scientifically that life does not end after bodily death. Further, this research has demonstrated reliable communication with postmaterial (so-called ‘deceased’) persons. These studies have met the criteria for true scientific research: double-blinded, multicentered, experimentally controlled, replicated, randomized order, and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Mark founded four Greater Reality Programs to help people enjoy an optimal earthly experience, create the greatest life they have envisioned, share their greatest gifts, and make our world a better place. To learn more about the programs, see articles #19, 72, 82, 119, 122, and 125 at SoulProof.com/Articles. To learn more about Dr. Pitstick, visit SoulProof.com/About.

Gary E. Schwartz PhD
A former Harvard and Yale professor, Dr. Schwartz is professor emeritus at the University of Arizona. He directs the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health in Tucson.

He received a nearly two million-dollar award from the National Center on Complementary and Alternative Medicine of the National Institutes of Health to create a Center for Frontier Medicine in Biofield Science at the University of Arizona, which he directed for four years. He is the founding president of the Academy of Postmaterial Scientists.

Gary collaborates with Canyon Ranch on biofield science and energy healing research and serves as the Corporate Director of Development of Energy Healing. He also served as Chairman of Eternea, an organization whose mission is to foster the integration of science and spirituality for personal and global transformation.

Gary received his Ph.D. in psychology from Harvard University in 1971 and was an assistant professor at Harvard for five years. He later served as a professor of psychology and psychiatry at Yale University, director of the Yale Psychophysiology Center, and co-director of the Yale Behavioral Medicine Clinic, before moving to Arizona in 1988.

Dr. Schwartz has published more than four hundred and fifty scientific papers, including six papers in the journal Science. Gary has also co-edited eleven academic books. He authored The Sacred Promise, The G.O.D. Experiments, The Afterlife Experiments, The Truth about Mediums, The Living Energy Universe, and others. Schwartz also co-authored Greater Reality Living with Dr. Pitstick, and The Big Picture of Life with Pitstick and Katta Mapes MA, MEd.

Gary is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the American Psychological Society, the Society for Behavioral Medicine, and the Academy for Behavioral Medicine Research. He has received many awards for distinguished research and was the founding President of the Forever Family Foundation, a non-profit organization that fosters research and education on afterlife science and healing.

He frequently speaks about health psychology, energy healing, and spiritual research and has been interviewed on many major network television and radio shows. His work has been the subject of documentaries and profiles on Discovery, HBO, the SciFi Channel, Arts & Entertainment, Fox and others. His research was featured on the documentary The Life After Death Project. (LifeAfterDeathProject.com) His work has been described in various magazines and newspapers including USA Today, The London Times, The New York Times, The LA Times, and others.

To learn more, visit DrGarySchwartz.com

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