We want to honor and memorialize the beloved “departed” loved ones of our donors. Contributing to the SoulPhone Foundation is one way you can transmute your sadness, pain, and deep grieving into more peace, joy, and loving service to others. In this and many ways, your dear ones continue to live on and bless others.
When you donate, let us know if you want to list your first and/or last name or remain anonymous. Likewise, please indicate whether you want the name of your beloved ones listed or not. If you want, kindly provide their birth dates and “angel dates” of transitioning into the next phase of forever.
Note: The amount of your donation will not be listed.
Beth West in memory of her beloved son Tyler Sullivan; born October 30, 1997; angel date April 2, 2015
Irene and Tony Vouvalides in memory of their daughter Carly Elizabeth Hughes
Mark Pitstick in memory of his beloved dad, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and friends
Terri Petz in loving memory of her daughter Sheridan
Tracy, Bill, Nadia & Laila Soussi in memory of their beloved son and brother, Aymen Soussi
From Anne in loving memory of my father Mark (1907-1971) and in loving memory of my husband Gary (1948-2014)
In our eternal love and beautiful memories, our son Capt. Benjamin R. Cross, 1/23/1991 – 8/5/2017.
Gloria and Greg in memory of our beloved mom Lillian Tom Chou
Patrick Sherlock in memory of Garrett Savage
In loving and grateful memory of Jonathan Cook, SoulPhone Foundation team member and Ambassador member
In loving memory of Delbert (8 Nov 1923 – 27 Nov 2005) and Beatrice (1 May 1926 – 2 Feb 2017) Marsh. Their legacy continues to make a difference.
Lara Wolfe on behalf of my son Cameron, brother Scott, and grandparents Irene & Joe — all who proved to me we are immortal, unconditional LOVE is eternal, and so is laughter.
Camille Dan in memory and honor of her son Aaron Dan.
Maria Germani Vadeboncoeur in memory of her beloved twin sister, Nancy DeMicco Germani. Born, June 5, 1954; transition to Spirit, November 3, 2021. “Trust me; I’m right here.”
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