
Read the latest updates on the SoulPhone Project and Greater Reality Living Groups

SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living Updates June 2019

Dear SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living family,   Lots of exciting news this month! (You can continue reading here or visit Newsletter to read this and previous newsletters.) 1. The SoulSwitch prototype keeps improving! The first SoulPhone device continues to get smaller, less expensive, and faster. Software specialists assisting Dr. Schwartz are responsible for part of these improvements. 2. More about MCMBRCT! Dr. Schwartz and his team are preparing [...]

Updates on SoulPhone and Greater Reality Living May 2019

Dear SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living family, Lots of exciting news to share this month! (You can continue reading here or visit Newsletter to read this and previous newsletters) 1. The SoulSwitch prototype is now smaller and less expensive! It's not ready for commercialization yet (we are waiting for one or more visionaries to realize this unprecendented opportunity to help many people and profit greatly.) But the current device was [...]

SoulPhone News April 2019

Dear SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living family, Lots of exciting news to share this month! 1. Dr. Schwartz was interviewed by Suzanne Giesemann on her Unity Radio program. (Due to a technological glitch, only the first half of the the recording is available.) Click here to hear the first half. 2. Click here to watch short videos I recorded to learn more about: a. what is the greater reality b. [...]

Join Us at Dr. Pitstick’s Historic Presentation

Dear SoulPhone family, I'll make a historic presentation on May 30th and invite you to join us. Why is it historic? This is the first live event since university-based scientific research definitively demonstrated that life continues after bodily death.  (You might want to read that sentence again and again. It has life and world altering ramifications.) This won't be OFFICIALLY announced until late autumn 2019 after Dr. Gary Schwartz completes scientific papers to be published in peer [...]

SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living News March 2019

Dear SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living family, Lots of exciting news to share this month so let's dive in! 1. We continue to replicate experiments that clearly show: a. life continues after physical death b. at least some postmaterial persons (those whose human form has died but are nonetheless very much alive and well) can communicate with those of us on earth. In a perfect world, those two pieces of [...]

Send the Best Valentine’s Day Gift Ever!

Dear SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living family, On Valentine's Day, we think of those we love. And, as you know, that sometimes includes missing our loved ones who have 'passed on'. Many of us have wanted to believe that life continues after bodily death. And now science is demonstrating that to be true! Scientific evidence of life beyond physical death has been demonstrated at a university-based laboratory. Needless to say, [...]

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