Read the latest updates on the SoulPhone Project and Greater Reality Living Groups
How Does It Feel To Be Part of History?
Dear SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living family, How does it feel to be part of history? Dr. Gary Schwartz posed this question to me yesterday as I became the third person on the planet to observe controlled experiments and responses from "deceased" laboratory participants. As a subscriber to the SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living newsletter, you are among the first people on the planet to know about these scientific [...]
The SoulPhone Update! What Does This Mean for You and Your Loved Ones?
Dear SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living family, Greetings and welcome! The greatest gift I can share with you is an update on the SoulPhone breakthrough. Here is a summary of this potentially life and world changing news . . . Gary E. Schwartz Ph.D. is a senior professor at the University of Arizona where he directs the Laboratory for Advancements in Consciousness and Health and the SoulPhone Project. Formerly [...]
SoulPhone News! February 2018
Dear SoulPhone family, Greetings and welcome! Here's an update on the developments about SoulPhone and Greater Reality Living. 1. Progress continues with the spirit communication technology. Dr. Schwartz is working with two engineering firms with the goal of building the final proof-of-concept devices. He anticipates that those versions will be very close to having reliably functioning devices. The first device -- whether SoulSwitch, SoulKeyboard, SoulVoice, or SoulVideo -- will [...]
SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living News November 2018
Dear SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living family, Greetings and welcome! Lots of exciting news to share . . . 1. What happened to the September and October newsletters? I know, I know. The absence of those is a good indicator of how busy we've been. 2. Big breakthrough with the SoulSwitch! The stage 2 prototype is reliably working and has been replicated. It can be used to demonstrate the [...]
SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living News August 2018
Dear SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living family, Greetings and welcome! Lots of exciting news to share this month . . . 1. Several big breakthroughs have occurred lately. How big? I can't share any further details for now . . . that's how big. Why?a. to protect emerging patients and intellectual propertyb. because an official announcement about the existence of a fully functioning 'spirit' communication device will be made by [...]
SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living News July 2018
Dear SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living family, Greetings and welcome! Lots of exciting news to share this month . . . 1. The SoulPhone R & D has achieved several big breakthroughs. A functioning SoulSwitch has been replicated six times thus far. Like a true scientist, Dr. Schwartz wants more proof before officially announcing. But, as a newsletter recipient, you are the first to know beyond the core group. In [...]
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