Read the latest updates on the SoulPhone Project and Greater Reality Living Groups
SoulPhone December 2017 Updates!
Dear SoulPhone family, Greetings and welcome to the first official SoulPhone newsletter! Please take a moment and send this to all of your family and friends who may be interested. And ask them to do the same. Here are six exciting updates . . . 1. The SoulPhone research at the University of AZ He and his team of electrical engineers, optical physics and software specialists are starting to [...]
PS about Contrast Souls
Dear SoulPhone family, An alert reader astutely let me know that I had not provided any background information for the Contrast Soul story. I apologize. Here is my reply to her and all of you . . Dear Elizabeth, Thank you for bringing it to my attention that I didn't provide any background information for such an emotional and, as you say, seemingly twisted idea. I apologize and, based on [...]
SoulPhone and Greater Reality Living updates. Radio Show. The Caring Listeners. Contrast Souls?
Dear SoulPhone family, Touching base to keep you informed on news that directly affects you and your loved ones. The Greater Reality Living book that Dr. Gary Schwartz and I are writing together is coming along very well. We continue to get volunteers from around the world to lead Greater Reality Living Groups. Dr. Schwartz's SoulPhone research at the University of AZ is moving ahead very nicely. Exciting stuff! I [...]
Exciting Updates on the SoulPhone and Greater Reality Living!
Dear SoulPhone family, I'm excited to share four items that can magnificently affect you and your loved ones. #1: Greater Reality Living™ book by Drs. Gary Schwartz and Mark Pitstick is coming along nicely. And, another miraculous example of how much help we are getting from "here" and "the hereafter," an editor who works with Neal Donald Walsh has volunteered to help us. #2: Greater Reality Living Groups™ We continue to hear [...]
Fascinating Webinar AND Request for Volunteer Attorney and CPA
Dear SoulPhone Family, Just two quick items to share today . . . Esteemed evidential medium Suzane Northrup is giving a webinar to benefit the SoulPhone Foundation on July 17th. See flyer below.We hope you will join us and share news of this fascinating event with others. The foundation is in need of an attorney and CPA who will volunteer just a little time. If you know anyone who [...]
Join us at the Afterlife Research & Education Symposium!
Dear SoulPhone family, The AREI conference in Scottsdale, AZ on Sept. 15 – 17 will be a magnificent event for anyone interested in the 99.9% of life that escapes the senses and explains many of life's greatest challenges and questions. I hope you join us to more deeply remember that you are an infinite being of consciousness/spirit/energy. Self-realization, enlightenment, perceiving the greater reality -- however you phrase it -- is a HUGE [...]
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