
Read the latest updates on the SoulPhone Project and Greater Reality Living Groups

Exciting News about the SoulPhone!

Dear SoulPhone family, Exciting news is happening with the SoulPhone project. As subscribers to our newsletter, you are literally among the first people on our planet to learn about this! First, everything is proceeding quickly and wonderfully with the project. To learn about anticipated timeframes and descriptions for each spirit communication device, read the Soul Phone Overview below. Second, esteemed evidential medium Suzane Northrup is giving a webinar to benefit [...]

Pre-Birth Planning and Holistic Breathing at Expo and in Your Home!

Dear Soul Proof family, I'm excited to tell you about two ways that you can benefit from two incredible techniques: Holistic Breathing: a powerfully transformative 40 minute session that involves 30 minutes of deep, noisy, diaphragmatic breathing with music and coaching in the background. Designed to heal old wounds and release emotional and physical toxins so all your energetic circuits are activated. Learn this amazing way to awaken to the [...]

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