
Read the latest updates on the SoulPhone Project and Greater Reality Living Groups

Soul Phone Newsletter February 2024

Dear SoulPhone family, I am pleased to share good news about the SoulPhone Project directed by Gary E. Schwartz PhD, former Harvard and Yale professor who is now a senior professor at the University of Arizona.  Excellent progress has been achieved with both software and hardware needed for the Demonstration SoulSwitch (DSS).  Our wonderful team of electrical engineers and software specialists have worked diligently on this historic task. We are very grateful [...]

Soul Phone Newsletter November 2023

Dear SoulPhone family, Progress continues for developing software and hardware for the Demonstration SoulSwitch.  (This device is not the breakthrough switch required for moving into R & D on the SoulKeyboard.  See Anticipated SoulPhone Devices to learn more.) As usual, the pace is slower than we would like due to unexpected complications and pioneering steps toward development.  But the final outcome should be well worth the wait.  Here's a recent note in [...]

Soul Phone Newsletter September 2023

Dear SoulPhone family, We've reached an exciting fork in the road with the SoulPhone Project.  Dr. Schwartz and his team of software specialists and electrical engineers are now pursuing two parallel paths with research and development (R & D).     The information in the next two paragraphs is useful for understanding those two paths.  The current 'Research SoulSwitch' device is larger, more expensive, and allows for testing a number [...]

Soul Phone Newsletter July 2023

Dear SoulPhone family, The last month has probably been the most fruitful one, on both the software and hardware sides, since the project began.  That's quite a statement that I'm glad to share.  Core engineers were positively giddy at what they were able to accomplish.   That progress was the result of brain-numbing research and learning from mistakes.  At one point, the head electrical engineer said 'This system is so [...]

SoulPhone News March 2023

Dear SoulPhone family,   I hope you and your loved ones are inspired and comforted by the great news that exists based on findings of the SoulPhone Project thus far.  These include definitive demonstrations scientifically that . . .   Life continues after bodily death.   Communication with at least some postmaterial (so-called 'departed') persons is possible as demonstrated by repeated experiments.   The SoulPhone technology will, quite likely, eventually [...]

SoulPhone News December 2022

Dear SoulPhone family,   Thanks very much for your patience and understanding during the last several months without a newsletter.  I hope to resume monthly updates from here on.  This month, I will answer four of the most common questions I've received since the last update.   You can be assured that everything continues to progress on the SoulPhone Project.  We are still working toward a practical SoulSwitch -- a [...]

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