
Read the latest updates on the SoulPhone Project and Greater Reality Living Groups

SoulPhone Update April 2022

Dear SoulPhone family,   We have not yet achieved the breakthrough SoulSwitch.  (That is defined as a device to detect 99% accurate Yes / No responses from postmaterial persons in less than 10 seconds.)  However, we are much closer to that than we were in 2020 - 2021. Amplifying the signal of 'spirit' and dampening electronic / electromagnetic background noise is a crucial part of this project.  This is called improving the [...]

Soul Phone Update March 2022

Dear SoulPhone family, Happy spring!  For those of you in the autumn and winter stages of this earthly experience, how great to know that a wonderful spring awaits when your earth-suit withers away. The SoulPhone Project continues to progress!  To review, the team is working toward a practical SoulSwitch.  That is defined as a device that will obtain a 99% accurate Yes / No answer in ten seconds or less. [...]

Soul Phone Update January 2022

Dear SoulPhone family, Happy new year to all of you.  I hope you continue to internalize the great news that life after bodily death has been definitively demonstrated scientifically.  What a wonderful foundation for starting a new year and optimally handling life's changes and challenges. Several big developments have occurred in the last month, but it's premature to share them.  Stay tuned! In the meantime, Dr. Schwartz's new book 'Extraordinary [...]

October 2021

Dear SoulPhone family, I hope you continue to positively transform after learning the scientific and clinical evidence that life continues after bodily death. That data is discussed in the book Greater Reality Living by Dr. Gary Schwartz and myself.  It's also listed in article #1 at Scientific Evidence That Bodily Death is NOT the End of Life and article #60 Clinical Evidence That Life Continues After Physical Death. The SoulPhone Project has proceeded nicely over the last month in terms [...]

Soul Phone Update September 2021

Dear SoulPhone family, I hope you are enjoying the many benefits accompanying the great news that life continues after bodily death.  That great news is discussed in the book Greater Reality Living by Dr. Gary Schwartz and myself.  It's also listed in article #1 at Scientific Evidence That Bodily Death is NOT the End of Life. The SoulPhone Project proceeds slowly but surely.  The second part-time electrical engineer has made great progress in a short period of [...]

August 2021

Dear SoulPhone family, I hope you are enjoying the many benefits accompanying the great news that life continues after bodily death.  That great news, as discussed in the book Greater Reality Living by Dr. Gary Schwartz and myself. The SoulPhone Project continues forward!  We added a second part-time electrical engineer this month.  Three part time software programmers interface with them.  These brilliant minds should attain success at some point. It's been 5 years since I became [...]

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