Dear SoulPhone family,

An alert reader astutely let me know that I had not provided any background information for the Contrast Soul story. I apologize. Here is my reply to her and all of you . .

Dear Elizabeth,

Thank you for bringing it to my attention that I didn’t provide any background information for such an emotional and, as you say, seemingly twisted idea.

I apologize and, based on your feedback, will send a P.S. to 9000 people. Who said that one person can’t make a difference?! I totally understand your reaction. I would have felt the same way just a few years ago.

I first learned about contract souls from the following story by Joan Borysenko, PhD, former director of Harvard’s Mind-Body Institute in her book Fire in the Soul and retold with her permission in my book Soul Proof:

“Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., relates a beautiful empathetic NDE that occurred at the moment of her mother’s passing. Her mother had long been cynical about and critical of Joan’s spiritual work. Joan and her son Justin were present as her mom passed over. At that moment, the room was filled with light and both realized what Justin verbalized: “I feel like Grandma is holding the door to eternity open to give us a glimpse. Can you feel it? You must be so grateful to your mother. You know, she was a very great soul. And she embodied to take a role that was much smaller than the wisdom in her soul and she did it as a gift for you so that you’d have something to resist against.”

Here’s how the drama with the mother, daughter, and villain MAY have played out. The cosmos is very vast so I don’t pretend to have all the answers:

1. The daughter’s soul likely didn’t need a long earthly experience. So she volunteered to play the role of the youngster who was tragically killed.

2. The mother’s soul signed up for the part of the grieving mother. She knew it would break her human heart but had the potential to mightily evolve and help others

3. The driver’s soul agreed to play the hit-and-run driver, also fully knowing that it would haunt the rest of his days. But the scene needed an antagonist. He wasn’t conscious of the bigger picture, nor were any of them. But they might have received clues in dreams or while waking to lessen the shock.

Just like a great book, movie, or play. Have you ever read or watched one of those where everything was happy forever? Snoozeville. Nothing to push against. No challenges for the hero or heroine to overcome.

All of these actors/actresses knew that:

– life is eternal

– they are one with the One

– no one really dies, just the outward physical shell and that is much less than 1% of who they really are

– they will all see each other again

– their time on earth is like a blink of an eye in the span of forever

– only part of their souls’ energies are involved in this earthly illusion; part of it never leaves Home/Heaven. In that sense, the horrible tragedy was actually more like a very brief virtual reality experience

– the most important goal in life is to grow in love and serve others. Going through horrible tragedy can serve as a mighty incentive to do that.

– all of the above enhances the overarching love, peace, wisdom, joy, and creative energy we call God

I know it’s a lot to wrap ones head/heart around. But if it is true, it helps explain many of life’s seeming inequities.

As soon as I find the time, I will create an article about contrast incarnations.

For now, think on these things. If it sounds twisted, throw it out the window.

Hugs, love, and blessings,