Replicated, double-blinded, multicenter, and controlled scientific experiments have definitively shown that life continues after bodily death. In addition, this research has repeatedly demonstrated basic communication with postmaterial persons.

We do not make this claim lightly and agree with Dr. Neal Miller’s advice to be “bold in what we try; cautious in what we claim.”

The Plasma Globe System, used for R & D from 2018 – 2020, clearly showed the ability of postmaterial persons to corectly answer Yes / No questions. It also established their identities via tests with Personal Identification questions. As of March 2025, work is being conducted with other devices to produce a reliable and near realtime SoulSwitch. That, in turn, will allow development of the SoulKeyboard for typing and texting with postmaterial loved ones and luminaries.

The SoulKeyboard will be the first commercializable technology with sessions delivered virtually. After sufficient performance and security is in place, it is anticipated to be available as ‘an app’ for use with most Smart devices. Our goal is to eventually make this and all SoulPhone technologies just as widely used and affordable as cell phones are are now.

Why Is This Research Important?

We are living at a critical time in human evolution. Pollution, resource depletion, over-population, plant and animal destruction, and climate instability are widespread and well-documented. War, crime, poverty, and starvation exist in many areas. A large number of people suffer from depression, anxiety, and feelings of hopelessness. Health problems, economic instability, and other factors threaten many countries.

Gary SoulPhone Research

Life on Earth can be better than this. Much better

You – and everyone else – are beings of consciousness / energy / spirit who continue living after death of your earthly form. A deeper understanding of this and its many ramifications can enhance personal and global peace and wellness.

What will inspire enough people to make positive changes that can enlighten and unify humanity? Will it help to know that no one really dies? Might the ability to contact postmaterial loved ones result in less fear about aging and death?

Might knowledge of our interconnectedness with all life help us follow ‘The Modified Golden Rule’: Treat others as they would like to be treated. Might postmaterial luminaries assist us via SoulPhone devices to address earth’s greatest challenges?

Stay tuned and thank you telling others!

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