Skeptic’s Questions and Scientist’s Answers about the SoulPhone™
“At the heart of science is an essential balance between two seemingly contradictory attitudes: an openness to new ideas, no matter how bizarre or counterintuitive they may be, and the most ruthless skeptical scrutiny of all ideas, old and new. This is how deep truths are winnowed from deep nonsense.”
Dr. Sagan, a distinguished astronomer and communicator of science, was highly respected by scientists and the general public. He deeply appreciated the importance of responsible skepticism – open-minded questioning of all phenomena for the purpose of genuine discovery and understanding.
Sagan appreciated the importance of discerning between “deep truths” and “deep nonsense.” Further, Dr. Sagan stated “It is the tension between creativity and skepticism that has produced the stunning and unexpected findings of science.”
We can ask, does the pursuit of SoulPhone™ technology reflect a case of “deep nonsense” based on fallacious premises and faulty evidence? Or, does it reflect a “deep truth” of profound theoretical and practical importance?
Close-minded skeptics will predictably focus on unrelated topics to discredit the science behind this technology. For example, Dr. Schwartz used to ride a Harley, Rhonda was raised in the Christian Science faith, and Dr. Pitstick once dressed up as a Hindu yogi at a costume party that included an award’s ceremony. Critics may use these facts in an attempt to discredit the many years of university-based experimental research.
However, open-minded skeptics will examine the data and see where it leads. Below are frequently-asked questions about life after death and the SoulPhone Project with Dr. Schwartz’s rationally justified and evidence-based scientific responses. As you will see, these responses point to the emerging deep truth of the SoulPhone Project.
Summary by Dr. Schwartz
When considering answers to the above questions, it becomes clear that scientific theory, mediumship research, and technological research all point to the promise of development of postmaterial communication technology.
Under the ‘Answers to Common Concerns’ subtab, I address the topic of pseudo-skepticism. I will illustrate the disingenuousness of certain professional skeptics and expose some of their disinformation tactics.