Dear SoulPhone family,

We’ve reached an exciting fork in the road with the SoulPhone Project.  Dr. Schwartz and his team of software specialists and electrical engineers are now pursuing two parallel paths with research and development (R & D).  


The information in the next two paragraphs is useful for understanding those two paths.  The current Research SoulSwitch’ device is larger, more expensive, and allows for testing a number of different variables. (I can’t share what those variables are since that is part of the Intellectual Property.)


In addition, the team has now begun work on a ‘Testing SoulSwitch’ using the best combination of variables that we’ve identified with the research system.  This device will be smaller, less expensive, and — as stated — use a narrower range of variables.


The two phases of R & D are . . .  


  1.     Achieving the Breakthrough SoulSwitch that provides a highly accurate Yes / No signal from postmaterial persons in ten seconds or less.  Developing this device involves using the ‘Research SoulSwitch’ equipment.  This device isn’t viewed as a future service or product but, rather, a component of the SoulKeyboard.  The SoulKeyboard will involve a number of SoulSwitches — perhaps as few as 9 — to generate a sufficient number of characters: letters, numbers, symbols, etc.


  1.     Developing the Testing SoulSwitch for three potential uses:


  1. Thank You’ sessions for project volunteers, some who have helped for over six years.  These sessions will also be offered to people who have donated at the Ambassador Member level or higher.  (To learn more, visit Membership & Donations at  In both cases, the goal will be to contact ‘departed loved ones’ of the volunteers and donors.  These sessions will also allow us to test the technology and create a more satisfactory customer experience.


  1. Research with PMPs (postmaterial persons AKA ‘deceased’ persons) who are on the A-Team.  This group of 30 or so luminaries includes inventors, scientists, educators, and entertainers.  We will obtain input from them using a binary communication (Yes / No) approach.  Information gathered may provide additional insights for anticipated SoulKeyboard, SoulVoice, and SoulVideo technologies.


  1. Demonstrations of the technology to various groups of people.  We will provide public demonstrations as soon as possible but only after ‘working the bugs out’ and having optimal security.


Questions and Answers

NOTE: I’ll answer your questions and concerns at no charge with short but information and resource-packed replies.  I’ll expand upon those answers for selected questions that I share in newsletters.  Email me at with your questions.


Q: Our baby died last month.  Will she be able to use the SoulPhone technology when it’s available since she was only one year old?  What about people in general such as my grandma never learned how to use a computer?  Will I be able to contact her? Also, do you have any idea how long it might be after a person dies before they can use the SoulPhone?  Thank you very much for providing comfort and hope for future contact with our daughter and other loved ones.


A: You are very welcome; all of us on the project consider it a sacred honor to help.  Lightening and shortening grief is one of our many goals.  Thank you for your excellent questions but please keep in mind that we have not yet been able to research these clinical questions.  As such, my answers below are ‘guesstimates’ based on data, for example, that discussed in article #60 at entitled Clinical Evidence That Life Continues After Physical Death.)


I am very sorry for the pain and suffering that naturally accompanies the bodily death of a child.  (Notice the modifying word ‘bodily’ with death; I include that since over 99% of who and what she is still exists.)  Good evidence indicates that her true nature is actually a timeless being of consciousness / energy / awareness; religious terms for this are ‘soul’ and ‘spirit’.  Her life force manifested as a little girl during her short time on earth.  But she can now likely embody as other formed and formless aspects in the time-space slice of life she is now in.  As such, her ‘soul’ should be able to use the technology when it’s ready.


Grandmothers are especially dear to me since I had two very wonderful ones so I can’t wait to ‘ring them up’.  Like your grandma, neither of mine ever used a computer and couldn’t type.  However, our input from A-Team members is that hundreds of ‘SoulOperators’ stand ready to assist contact with such persons.  In addition, playing the part of a grandma was only a fraction of who they really are.  As such, the totality of their being may be able to type, use technology, and much more.


I particularly appreciate your last question.  Excellent mediums differ about the time period required for a good reading after a person changes worlds.  Some recommend waiting six months while others say that immediate contact can be made.  (I suspect that their experiences varied based on the level of advancement of the soul / consciousness involved.)   With the ‘Testing SoulSwitch’, we will be able to examine this and other fascinating questions.


For you and all parents and family members of a child whose body died, I recommend the following:


  1. Visit Helping Parents Heal and attend their free online, local meetings, and other events.  This is a worldwide organization with meetings in many different countries.


  1. Use their Caring Listeners service which is also provided at no charge.  I started this group in 2015 and provide clinical support them.  These parents are not trained counselors, but they have gone through ‘the dark night of the soul’ and come out on the other side as amazing people.  They are willing to listen to you, share what worked for them, suggest resources, and be there for you as you heal and transform.  That’s a priceless gift since they’ve journeyed FROM primarily feeling bereaved TO becoming shining light parents.  (To learn more about this ultra-important distinction – that can be used by anyone who is grieving – see article #82 at Journey FROM Bereaved TO Shining Light.)


  1. Read my article #3 at When a Loved One’s Earthly Body Dies and take action steps that seem right for you.


In May 2023, I gave a two-hour slide presentation about the SoulPhone Project.  Click below to view this webinar.  Some people watch it with open-minded family and friends and then discuss. 
The SoulPhone Project: Why That Makes It Even More Important to Know and Show ‘The Great News’ in Your Life – IANDS Groups and Events


As always, thank you for your continued donations both small and large.  This technology has the potential to help many people, on earth and beyond, as well as our planet.  Your gifts are helping this wonderful outcome to eventually occur.  To learn more about levels of giving and great gifts you’ll receive, visit Membership and Donations.


Hugs, blessings, and postmaterial communication,