Dear SoulPhone family,

Touching base to keep you informed on news that directly affects you and your loved ones.

  • The Greater Reality Living book that Dr. Gary Schwartz and I are writing together is coming along very well.
  • We continue to get volunteers from around the world to lead Greater Reality Living Groups.
  • Dr. Schwartz’s SoulPhone research at the University of AZ is moving ahead very nicely.

Exciting stuff!

I wanted to share three items today . . .

#1: Hear Susanne Wilson and Mark Pitstick interviewed by Roberta Grimes on “Seek Reality”

SEEK REALITY is a weekly radio program and podcast that airs on the X Zone Broadcast Network. Earlier episodes are broadcast on the Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network, on WebTalkRadio and on iTunes. To learn more, visit Roberta Grimes Radio.

2. New Resource: The Caring Listeners. Please pass this new resource on to any family members of a child who died at any age and by any means. Five bereaved mothers and leaders in Helping Parents Heal are now available at no charge to talk by phone, Skype, or in person if you’re local for them.

3. Contrast Souls? A Heart and Mind-Opening Story. Last week at the AREI conference in Phoenix, Dr. Schwartz presented twice including an evening banquet keynote introduced by George Noory. He received standing ovations twice, as well he should. When the first SoulPhone device is completed, and there is a very high likelihood of that happening in the next nine months, he will be recognized as a modern day pioneer. At last, scientific proof should indicate that death is not an end. And spirit-communication devices will very probably allow reliable visits with your “deceased” loved ones and luminaries.

One of my presentations was the Facilitated After-Death Contact session. Many people told me about their meaningful experiences with loved ones who had passed on but definitely not passed away.

Here’s the most amazing one: A bereaved mother’s fourteen year-old daughter was killed by a hit-and-run driver. This mom had hoped to contact her daughter but, instead, the driver came through. When she looked into his eyes, she saw only immense love and sadness. At that moment, she realized that he actually was one of her soul group who — out of love — volunteered to play the bad guy. The passing of her child — another member of her timeless soul group — has triggered a profound spiritual transformative experience that may not have happened under less horrific circumstances.

What a wonderful example of how magnificently and mysteriously life is even when it doesn’t seem like it. Think about the villains in your life and consider whether they might really be soulmates who are helping you awaken. The possibility of contrast souls does NOT, by the way, in any way condone inappropriate behavior toward others. But it DOES cause us to consider the possibility that — from the big picture perspective — it’s all good, it’s all God.

MISSED THE CONFERENCE? Visit Afterlife Research & Enlightenment Symposium in a week or two to view videos of the presentations.

Stay tuned for more!

Thank you for sharing this news with others and brightening the corner where you are!

Life and love are forever. Shall we live accordingly?

Mark Pitstick, MA, DC
Director, SoulPhone Foundation