Dear SoulPhone family,
Greetings and welcome to the first official SoulPhone newsletter!
Please take a moment and send this to all of your family and friends who may be interested. And ask them to do the same.
1. The SoulPhone research at the University of AZ He and his team of electrical engineers, optical physics and software specialists are starting to build the first SoulSwitch. The SoulVideo research is also moving along very well. To learn more, visit is moving along better and more quickly than anticipated. Dr. Schwartz now has a greater than 95% certainty that a reliably functioning SoulPhone device will exist by next year.
2. The SoulPhone documentary series is being pitched by a well-known Hollywood producer and director to several major media companies. It’s envisioned as eight one-hour shows to share the history, current status, and world-wide impact of reliable spirit communication technology. They have already prepared the trailer and videographers are shooting footage in preparation for the documentary.
3.The book Greater Reality Living : Integrating the Evidence for Eternal Consciousness Into Your Daily Life by Drs. Pitstick and Schwartz is coming along beautifully. Special thanks to our wonderful editor Jami Lynn Sands who works with Neale Donald Walsch – We hope to have the book ready for distribution by February. It will serve as a guidebook for the Greater Reality Living groups.
4. Greater Reality Living groups online and around the world are being prepared. Over 30 people from 10 countries have already expressed interest. To learn more, visit: Greater Reality Living Groups. Let us know if you would like to possibly lead a group in your area.
5. Our educational advisors are among the best consciousness experts on the planet: Alan Hugenot, DSc; Bernie Siegel, MD; Eben Alexander, MD; Raymond Moody, MD, PhD; PMH Atwater, LHD; Anita Moorjani; Stephan Schwartz, MS; Karen Wyatt, MD; Bill Guggenheim; Stan Krippner, PhD.
6.Our spiritual advisors include some of the most researched and authenticated mediums in the world: Suzanne Giesemann, Susanne Wilson, Suzane Northrop,George Anderson, Carl Beull, Mark Anthony, and Tina Powers.
Stay tuned for updates each month. Again, please share this news with everyone you know: it’s now over 99% certain — from a scientific perspective — that life continues after physical death we soon should have reliable technology that proves this 100% the SoulPhone devices should allow contact with “departed” loved ones who have passed on but definitely not passed away this technology will likely also allow communication with esteemed scientists, inventors, educators, and entertainers who want to help us heal and transform ourselves and our world
For all that, we are very thankful and excited!
Life and love are forever. Shall we live accordingly?
Dr. Mark Pitstick and the SoulPhone staff
PS – Some of the SoulPhone leaders, staff, and advisors met recently in Phoenix during the Afterlife Research & Education Institute (AREI) conference there. We had a chance to meet and hear the latest updates from Dr. Schwartz about the SoulPhone R & D. (see photos below)