Dear SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living family,
Greetings and welcome!
Lots of exciting news to share this month . . .
1. Several big breakthroughs have occurred lately. How big?
I can’t share any further details for now . . . that’s how big.
a. to protect emerging patients and intellectual property
b. because an official announcement about the existence of a fully functioning ‘spirit’ communication device will be made by the University of Arizona.
That will occur if and when one or more teams of independent scientists have evaluated every aspect of the first device and it ‘passes muster.’
2. We are preparing to evaluate potential group facilitators.
We continue to receive contacts from people around the world who want to start groups in their area.
The website needs to be fully ready first. The expected date for that is mid-September — only 3 weeks away.
Once facilitators have been approved, they will receive a complimentary copy of the Greater Reality Living book. That will be a guidebook for the leaders and groups. Then I will train them via online webinars.
3. Edition 2 of The Greater Reality Living book is being prepared for printing. Why a new edition so soon? We could say more about the emerging SoulPhone technology. We also upgraded — again — our terms. Here is an example:
We knew that ‘die’ and ‘death’ weren’t preferable since those words are so anchored to meanings of a final end. We initially added the adverb physically in an attempt to remind ourselves and others that only the human form dies. An example of this was ‘she physically died.’ However, we soon felt that this could be improved upon since, based on contemporary evidence, SHE didn’t physically die, just her no-longer-needed outer shell did.
Then we realized that ‘physically die’ isn’t optimal because of evidence that beings in other space/time experiences can also have physicality. We then adopted the following: death and die are accompanied by one of four specific modifiers: human body, human form, earthly body, and material body.
Examples of usage include ‘the death of her human body,’ ‘his human form died,’ ‘the death of her earthly body,’ or ‘his material body died.’
However, these phrases – although most accurate – are admittedly cumbersome. For clarity and brevity, we will also use the term postmaterial person to describe someone whose human body died but is yet alive and able to communicate.
The acronym for the noun form of postmaterial person is PMP. Examples include: ‘my father became a PMP five years ago’, ‘my wife who is a PMP’, and ‘our beloved PMPs.’
We wanted to include person in this new term to convey a PMP:
b) retains personality, memory, uniqueness, sense of humor, etc.
c) is, or can be, more like a physical person than just a spiritual and ethereal soul
d) has a physical form or, at least, the potential for that
e) is accessible for continued relationships and communication
PMP can also be used as an adjective. Two examples are: ‘my PMP-sister’ and ‘PMP-scientists assisting the SoulPhone project.’ Postmaterial can also be used as an adjective to describe people and pets whose earthly bodies have ceased to function. Examples are ‘my postmaterial dog’ or ‘my postmaterial husband.’
We hope that the acronym PMP will join established ones in the field of consciousness studies: NDE for near-death experience, ADC for after-death communication, and STE for spiritually transformative experience.
4. Welcome to our new team members: Pin, Heather, Kelsey, and Elizabeth. That puts our volunteer team at twenty. Someone recently complimented me for assembling such a large and impressive team. I can’t take any credit. Every time I think that we could use some help in a certain area, a person steps forward.
Life and love are forever. Shall we live accordingly?
Dr. Mark Pitstick, Dr. Gary Schwartz, and the SoulPhone Foundation / Greater Reality Living staff.