Dear SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living family,
Greetings and welcome!
You may have noticed a different title for the newsletter this month. The SoulPhone newsletter is expanding its focus to include Greater Reality groups, book, and vision.
Lots of exciting news to share this month . . .
1. The SoulPhone R & D continues to proceed wonderfully. Here’s one example: the data analysis software originally required 30 minutes of focused analysis by Dr. Schwartz. This was needed before he could determine whether a significant YES or NO answer registered with the SoulSwitch.
He and a team of engineers now have developed software that allows this input in under one second! It’s not sexy, but it is essential for moving forward to receiving binary input from those
Other BIG breakthroughs in the technology have occurred but I cannot share them at this time. Patents, intellectual property, technological details before the plane flies reliably. You understand.
Suffice it to say that everything is coming along very nicely. Based on recent results, expectations for a fully functioning SoulSwitch in the next few months continues to be very high.
2. Preparation for launching Greater Reality Living Community Groups is moving forward nicely. Our wonderful facilitator managers are preparing to evaluate local group facilitators from around the world
. But first, the new website needs to be completed.
Part of the delay is that Business Catalyst, the original website host, is going out of business. We are working without customer support from them and looking ahead at converting to WordPress before we even launch.
3. Speaking of IT and computer tasks, we still need a volunteer with skills in this area to help just an hour or two per week.
We also still need a volunteer to help a bit with social media.
4. The Greater Reality Living book by Mark Pitstick, MA, DC and Gary E. Schwartz PhD will soon be available as an audio book. It is now available as a printed and e-book / Kindle. You can purchase at or
5. We created a new term! The language of Dr. Schwartz and I has evolved during the last two years working together. For example, we initially knew that ‘die’ and ‘death’ weren’t preferable since those words are so anchored to meanings of a final end.
As such, we paired the adverb ‘physically’ to ‘die’ in an attempt to remind ourselves and others that only the human form dies. An example is ‘she physically died.’
However, we soon felt that this could be improved upon since, based on contemporary evidence, she didn’t physically die, just her no longer needed outer shell did. We now use the acronym APD for ‘after-physical-death’ for clarity and brevity.
APD can be used as an adjective, for example, ‘my APD child’, ‘my mother who is APD’, or ‘my dad who has been APD for eleven years.’
We will also use ‘APDer’ as a noun to describe people after physical death. (This is similar to the usage of ‘NDEr’ to abbreviate ‘near death experiencer.’) Examples include ‘your beloved APDer’ or ‘luminary APDers.’
Our hope is that APD will soon join the commonly used abbreviations NDE (near-death experience), ADC (after-death communication), and OBE (out-of-body experience).
And you, our dear newsletter family, are the first people on the planet to learn this term. A great opportunity to impress your friends!
Life continues APD. Shall we live accordingly?
Drs. Mark Pitstick and Gary Schwartz, and the SoulPhone Foundation/Greater Reality Living staff.
Photo below: Two electrons colliding in a particle accelerator. Such pictures remind us of the most absolute understanding of reality: largely space filled with information and energy; a few electron clouds that alternately appear as wave forms 26 septillion times per second. This info-energy can manifest in a myriad of ways in the field of all possibilities. An amazing and magnificent set-up that perhaps can be termed Life Itself, and you are an integral part of it.