Dear SoulPhone family,

Greetings and welcome! We hope that your new year is unfolding wonderfully as you more deeply realize that you are a forever being.

Please take a moment and send this to your family and friends who may be interested. And ask them to do the same.

Here are some updates . . .
1. The SoulPhone research at the University of AZ is moving along wonderfully. Dr. Schwartz and his team are collaborating with several engineering firms to begin construction of the first spirit communication devices.They are currently experimenting with the best frequencies along the electro-magnetic spectrum with which to communicate with ‘spirits.’ It’s kind of like finding the best radio frequency to hear your favorite station.

Dr. Schwartz expresses a very high degree of likelihood that the first device will be reliably function as soon this year. To learn more, visit
2. The book Greater Reality Living: Integrating the Evidence for Eternal Consciousness Into Your Daily Life by Drs. Pitstick and Schwartz is nearly ready to send to the publisher. We have received great endorsements from well-known consciousness experts such Larry Dossey, Ervin Laszlo, Ken Ring, Bill Guggenheim, Anita Moorjani, Konstantin Korotkov, Alan Hugenot, Stan Krippner, and Stephan Schwartz.

Several of the most highly researched evidential mediums on the planet have also sent endorsements: Susanne Wilson, Suzanne Giesemann, Mark Anthony, and Carl Beuhl.

Because of delays and working with a publisher, the release date now is — hopefully — mid spring.

3. ​​​​​​​Greater Reality Living groups online and around the world are being prepared. Over 40 people from 12 countries have already expressed interest.
We now have three people with organizational training and corporate experience who will help set up groups and train group leaders.

These groups will meet online and in various locations around the world. To learn more, visit: Our Online Groups Let us know if you would like to possibly lead a group in your area. Email:

4. One reason we are doing this. Yes, we are very exciting about establishing communication with “deceased” luminaries who can help us heal our world. In addition, we want to help the many people who are suffering and searching for meaning in what sometimes seems a senseless world.

Here is a recent note from a bereaved mother who found great comfort from the SoulPhone, Soul Proof, and Greater Reality Living information:

I just wanted to thank you for all the information you have shared. I have grown so much since subscribing to your newsletter. After my son passed in June 2013, I kept searching for answers. Through you, I have learned where he is, that he is okay, and he is with me. I learned how to better myself while I’m still here and to keep my heart open. I would never have learned any of this if he was still alive. God bless you and keep you!

Stay tuned for updates each month! And, again, please share the following great news with others:

  • As a scientist — that is, based on the evidence — Dr. Schwartz now has 99.9% certainty that life continues after physical death. I agree based on my knowledge of the afterlife evidence in addition to my professional and personal experiences.A similarly high degree of confidence indicates that we can indeed perceive our “departed” loved ones while we are on earth.
  • It is very likely that we will soon have reliable technology that proves these statements to be 100% certain.
  • The SoulPhone devices should allow contact with “departed” loved ones who have passed on but definitely not passed away
  • This technology will likely also allow communication with esteemed scientists, inventors, educators, and entertainers who want to help us heal and transform ourselves and our world
For all that, we are very thankful and excited!

Life and love are forever. Shall we live accordingly?
Dr. Mark Pitstick and the SoulPhone staff​​​​​​​

PS – Below is a historic photo of my first meeting in person with Dr. Schwartz. On September 12, 2016, we had lunch in Tucson and he gave me a tour at his Laboratory for Advancements in Consciousness and Health at the University of Arizona. He asked me to work with him and get the word out about the SoulPhone technology. We sealed the deal with a handshake and the rest, as they say, is becoming history.