Dear SoulPhone family,

Greetings and welcome! Here’s an update on the developments about SoulPhone and Greater Reality Living.

1. Progress continues with the spirit communication technology. Dr. Schwartz is working with two engineering firms with the goal of building the final proof-of-concept devices. He anticipates that those versions will be very close to having reliably functioning devices.
The first device — whether SoulSwitch, SoulKeyboard, SoulVoice, or SoulVideo — will be wonderful for MANY reasons:

a.You will be able to visit with loved ones who have changed worlds

b. Dr. Schwartz and his team will likely get a greater quantity and quality of data from hypothesized spirit collaborators. The SoulPhone R & D should incrementally increase with that improved input.

c. We will be able to gain knowledge from luminaries — scientists, inventors, educators, etc. — on a greater variety of topics. These caring geniuses helped our planet while living on earth and want to continue to do so from their current time-space vantage point. Imagine a webinar given by Einstein about solving global warming, Bohm on free energy, or creating world peace by your favorite religious teacher.

d. 100% scientific certainty that consciousness continues after physical death will finally exist

e. You will have a greater opportunity to, as Aristotle encouraged millennia ago, ‘live as though you are immortal.’ That is what Dr. Schwartz and I termed

“Greater Reality Living.” Imagine knowing with 100% surety that no one really dies, you will see your ‘departed’ loved ones again, and that we each are interconnected and integral parts of All That Is.

How would that surety affect the way you live and treat others?

2. The book “Greater Reality Living: Integrating the Evidence for Eternal Consciousness Into Your Daily Life” by Dr. Schwartz and I is in the hands of our editor. It should be ready by the end of April.
3. The Greater Reality Living Community Groups infra-structure is nearly completed. Our three wonderful ‘meta-leaders’ all have significant organizational experience. They are creating everything needed for local groups to form. We currently have over 50 people from 10 countries who have expressed interest. Contact us if you would like to co-facilitate a group in your area.
4. Our new website is being prepared and will launch after the book and groups are ready. It will be beautiful and highly functional thanks to Rick Adams and his creative team at 300m Marketing. ​​​​​​​

Life and love are forever. Shall we live accordingly?

Dr. Mark Pitstick and the SoulPhone staff​​​​​​​

Photo below: me, Rhonda Schwartz, Dr. Gary Schwartz, and Andy Lee at dinner after a meeting with the A-team. We will someday soon share some of the answers by David Bohm, Albert Einstein and others.