The term SoulPhone™ refers to integrative technologies for communicating
with postmaterial persons (the so-called ‘departed’). Expected devices include:
The SoulSwitch™ is a binary device to provide Yes / No responses from postmaterial persons. This technology won’t be a user service or device; rather, it will be a component of the SoulKeyboard.
A series of SoulSwitches will enable creation of a SoulKeyboard – much like a keyboard on any smart device.
This communication technology is envisioned first as a service then, perhaps, a take home device. It should allow you to type and text much like you can with your cell phone, pad, etc. Just think of how often many people text and email. Now imagine doing that with loved ones who have changed worlds.
The SoulKeyboard should also provide a great quality and quantity of contacts with postmaterial luminaries – scientists, educators, etc. who were geniuses while on earth.
The next anticipated service, device, and/or app is SoulVoice that allows you to hear and talk with those living ‘on the other side.’ If this sounds impossible, just consider current earthly technology that allows clear verbal communication with people on the other side of the world. See the next subtab ‘Does the SoulPhone Seem Impossible? for other views about this.
This technology should allow both video and audio contact much like present-day Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. Audio-video conferencing is the next best thing to being together on earth. This device will allow continued relationships with those who have passed on, but definitely not passed away.
SoulVideo will also enable webinars with postmaterial luminaries who have a less obstructed view of reality. They have worked ‘on the other side’ to improve what they did while on earth. As Nikola Tesla said during one meeting with a highly evidential medumi: ‘If you think what I invented on earth was amazing, wait until you see what I’ve been working on here!’