SoulPhone Project Updates

by Mark Pitstick, MA, DC
Director of the SoulPhone Foundation


Gary E. Schwartz Ph.D. is professor emeritus at the University of Arizona and directs the SoulPhone Project at the Laboratory for Advancements in Consciousness and Health. Dr. Schwartz was previously an assistant professor at Harvard and tenured professor at Yale where he was instrumental in founding the field of behavioral medicine. He was an early researcher on energy healing at the University of Arizona.

He and a team of electrical engineers, software specialists, evidential mediums, and others have worked on this project since 2004. I n addition, a team of postmaterial (‘deceased’) inventors, scientists, and other luminaries have assisted the research and development.

Dr. Schwartz has written the following papers for peer-reviewed scientific journals:

Schwartz G.E. (2010). Possible application of silicon photomultiplier technology to detect the presence of spirit and intention: three proof-of-concept experiments. EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing 6, pages 166-171.

Schwartz, GE. (2011) Photonic Measurement of Apparent Presence of Spirit Using a Computer Automated System. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing (2011) 7(2) 100-109 DOI: 10.1016/j.explore.2010.12.002

Schwartz GE. (2019). A computer-automated, multi-center, multi-blinded, randomized control trial evaluating hypothesized spirit presence and communication [published online ahead of print, 2019 Nov 16]. Explore (NY). 2019;S1550-8307(19)30552-X. doi:10.1016/j.explore.2019.11.007

Schwartz, Gary E., Woollacott Marjorie H., eds. (2019) Is Consciousness Primary? Perspectives from the founding members of the Academy for the Advancement of Postmaterialist Sciences. Copyright 2019

March 2025 SoulPhone Project Updates

The SoulPhone Foundation was dissolved this month; here is background information about that and project progress . . .

1. The SoulPhone Project IS NOT ending. The project and foundation have always been separate except the foundation sent donations to help project costs. Ending the foundation does NOT mean the project is over. To the contrary, dissolving the foundation is necessary because of the project’s progress and certainly of eventual commercial focus.

2. The SoulPhone Foundation IS being dissolved for good reasons. Our charitable foundation could only fund public education and proof-of-concept research that benefits the public. Over the last eight years, that has been the case. I, Dr. Schwartz, and other team members have shared valuable insights from the project that helped many people. His research has been shared in journal articles, interviews, articles, and books to help educate others.

Two years ago, we sought legal counsel to ensure that the foundation had a clear separation from future commercialization efforts. following all IRS requirements. An attorney who specialized in non-profits opined that the foundation could help fund the project until we were ready to start SoulKeyboard R & D. Put another way, we were well away from any ‘gray areas’.

However, recently our CPA and attorney noted progress that indicated the SoulPhone Project will almost certainly eventually lead to commercialization. They encouraged me to dissolve the foundation now so there’s a completely clear level of separation between:

a. charitable funding proof-of-concept research that benefits the public

b. disallowed funding of a project that is now more likely headed toward services and products.

3. Your donations all went to good use. Every penny directly went to paying for equipment and specialized contractors needed for the project. Neither I nor Dr. Schwartz received one penny from your donations. I understand that in this day and age, it’s easy to fear that you have been scammed or taken advantage, but that’s definitely not the case here. You can justifiably feel proud for supporting this project. It almost certainly will be a tipping point toward personal and planetary peace. (see #8 below to learn more about that)

4. The monthly newsletter WILL still continue. If you receive the newsletters now, you will continue receiving them without any action on your part. Those will continue to provide free education about life after death and updates on the SoulPhone Project.

5. Dr. Schwartz is conducting historic scientific research. We agreed that having definitive scientific proof will benefit all people most powerfully. He is making a case based on solid findings that no academic or scientist who is open to and follows the data can refute. Those findings will be written up in one or more papers that hopefully will be accepted by a scientific journal. Dr. Schwartz is also writing a book The SoulPhone Experiments which will describe the project and findings.

6. Designing and providing SoulSwitch Sessions will occur after #5 is completed. Those Yes / No sessions will only be for foundation volunteers, team members, and larger donors in the past. These sessions will thank them, and provide feedback from beta sessions about how to improve the switch.

7. Parallel efforts will continue on developing the Breakthrough SoulSwitch. BTSS is defined as a device that provides a nearly 100% accurate response in less than ten seconds. Perfecting that is required before beginning R & D on the SoulKeyboard. The keyboard will be the first commercializable service and, as we envision now, later a device for texting and typing with postmaterial loved ones.

8. While we’re waiting on all that, I encourage you to benefit from the four programs that are more powerful because of the SoulPhone Project. Dr. Schwartz is very excited about these programs that are just the beginning of great things flowing from the project and following events:

a. public announcements of scientific proof that life continues after bodily death

b. public demonstrations of the best current postmaterial communication technology

Both events will be promoted with professional assistance so that many people worldwide learn this great news. We anticipate that these events will occur in the autumn of 2025. However, as followers of the project for some time know, we’ve set and passed several sets of anticipatory dates. Why? We know that we only have one chance to make the most credible and convincing presentation. We could have done this five years ago but the technology and accompanying data analysis took a long time to register a Yes / No reply.

The four programs are based upon ‘The Great News’ (as described in article #19 at and ‘Eight Developments for Widespread Conscious Living (article #125). These are the foundation for the following:

#72: Greater Reality LIVING

#82: Greater Reality HEALING

#119: Greater Reality HELPING

#122: Greater Reality SHARING

You can benefit from these programs in four ways . . .

• Read each article twice, then discuss this information with others. Sharing it will inform them and help you to more deeply internalize it.

• Watch videos for each program at both and websites.

Click on the top tab ‘Greater Reality Programs’, then the subtabs for each Greater Reality Program.

• Attend Greater Reality LIVING and HEALING online meetings and ‘break-out’ groups when they begin in late spring of 2025.

• Attend in-person local Greater Reality LIVING and HEALING groups. We envision these forming by autumn of 2025.

Sign up for free newsletters at and to learn the dates, times, and Zoom meeting numbers. These meetings are free and there is no registration required.

May 2024 SoulPhone Project Updates

Parallel research and developments paths continue for:

The Breakthrough SoulSwitch that is needed to proceed with the SoulKeyboard. This switch will be near-realtime, highly accurate, and reliable. As few as 8 switches, used in combination, may be sufficient to create all needed letters, number, and symbols on standard keyboards.

The Demonstration SoulSwitch that will take less time and money to develop and should be completed by mid-summer 2024.

An incremental versus a large-scale reveal of the following is planned for early 2025:

1. official announcements of scientific proof of life after death

2. public demonstrations of postmaterial communication technology

We will start with announcements in the SoulPhone and Soul Proof newsletters. We will also post new pages on both websites regarding. This will reach many people who are more prepared to handle this news. The next levels of revealing with be via larger radio shows.

The following steps are required before sharing this news even at a trickle level:

a. complete the best possible Demo SoulSwitch (DSS) device by mid-summer

b. beta test with material persons and create session protocols, e.g., standardized instructions

c. beta test with our six longterm test pilots and other A-Team members

d. beta test with ‘ordinary’ postmaterial persons: family and friends of core team members and the research team

These levels of beta testing are anticipated to be completed by the end of 2024. At that point, further testing and refinement will occur via:

e. ‘Thank You’ sessions for SoulPhone Foundation volunteers

f. ‘Thank You’ sessions for larger donors only after the best possible experience is available

At that time, we may provide DSS sessions for some people. Keep in mind that the SoulSwitch will not be a commercializable service, device, or app. That is planned for the SoulKeyboard which will allow texting and typing with postmaterial persons.

A preparatory book by Dr. Schwartz also needs to be ready before incrementally sharing #1 and 2 above. The tentative title for this short and easy-to-read book is ‘The SoulPhone Solution’.

Dr. Schwartz has long envisioned that ‘telegraph-type operators’ may be needed for SoulSwitch and SoulKeyboard sessions. For many years, we have discussed the role of SoulOperators (SO) to set up session appointments in tandem with evidential mediums. However, given markedly better signals from more physically-oriented test pilots, SO involvement during SoulSwitch sessions may greatly improve the results. An accomplished SO might receive the answer from the client’s postmaterial loved one and then signal that answer. Once the DSS is ready for clinical / scientific research, we can test this possibility fairly quickly.

To learn further updates during this exciting time, subscribe to the free newsletter.

SoulPhone Project 2023 Update

For this update, I’ll share answers to recent commonly asked questions. I will use the term ‘postmaterial persons’ (PMPs) instead of ‘spirits’ for people whose earthly bodies have died. To learn more about this, see article #31 What Is a Postmaterial Person at

Q: I am very interested in the SoulKeyboard. Where can I buy one and how much will it cost?

A: Research and development (R & D) are focused on achieving a breakthrough SoulSwitch that provides a 99.9% accurate Yes / No response in near real-time from postmaterial persons.

There is no guarantee that this device will ever be perfected. Achieving those results would be an unprecedented accomplishment. However, based on progress in the last several years, successful completion of the SoulSwitch is quite likely. That component is needed to develop the SoulKeyboard, a series of switches / keys to allow texting and typing with PMPs. That greatly enhanced quality of communication with postmaterial scientists will hopefully expedite development of the SoulAudio and SoulVideo devices. (See SoulPhone Device Overview at for more information about these anticipated technologies.)

If we ever reach that point, initial SoulKeyboard sessions for the public will be a service, not a take-home product. This is to ensure product development, safety, and security of the technology. Eventually, apps or actual devices should be available as with current SmartPhone communication devices. Our goals are to eventually make these services and products affordable as sessions with evidential mediums and smart devices. Like most new technology, however, initial costs will likely be higher because of the many years of very expensive R & D costs. Again, we don’t know how quickly all this will occur because of the unprecedented nature of this project.

We don’t know what initial SoulKeyboard sessions might cost primarily because we don’t know the costs for developing and creating that device. Our goal is to make those sessions as affordable as a very good evidential medium reading. However, the cost may be higher in the beginning, just as VHS and DVD players were initially more expensive. Likewise, we will do everything possible so that SoulVoice and SoulVideo services / devices, if available in the future, are as affordable as cell phones and laptop devices. But we have a long way to go before then.

Q: Do you see any light at the end of the tunnel?

A: Yes, definitely. It’s interesting that you phrased your question that way because we call the current stage of R & D ‘tunnel emergence’. We have seen the light at the end of the tunnel, are part way through the tunnel, and now are working to complete that journey and share the many benefits with people around the world.

We are not quite ready to announce that life after death has been scientifically proven. Data from research over the last six months must be compiled and written up before we can accurately share that conclusion. For now, we can responsibly say that survival of consciousness has been definitely demonstrated scientifically. That may seem like splitting semantic hairs, but this topic demands that we adhere to stringent terms to fulfill the title of Dr. Schwartz’s recent book: Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence.

Q: What is the status on public demonstrations of the SoulPhone technology?

A: We were ready to demonstrate with the Tesla Coil System in early 2020 that life continues after bodily death. However, that device took at least an hour to produce a Yes / No answer. Instead of making that kind of first impression, we opted to conduct research and development (R & D) on the Electronic SoulSwitch. That device currently produces a highly accurate Yes / No answer in about 3 minutes. It’s not the 10 seconds or less that we need to move on to the SoulKeyboard, but it’s much better than the previous system.

In addition, there are safety and security concerns for the technology and the staff. I don’t discuss these much, but both need to be improved before we can publicly share more about the project.

Q: I’ve been closely following this project. What is the status of multi-center studies? When will they be concluded and published?

A: Thanks for your question and interest. We were ready to start multi-center studies in 2021 using the Plasma Globe System (PGS) for the SoulSwitch. That technology required 8 hours per day for 24 days of data collection for a clear Yes / No. Why so long? Many trials were required for data averaging to demonstrate a clear signal amidst all the surrounding electromagnetic noise. Dr. Schwartz said it was like trying to see a one-inch tall person in the water who was surrounded by 12 foot waves.

However, the Electronic SoulSwitch begain reaching impressive levels of development. As such, we could no longer justify asking A-Team members to perform mind-numbing repetitions with the old PGS system. (A-Team test pilots are exemplary PMPs who have worked with the project for many years and have demonstrated excellent dependability and performance.) We also couldn’t justify requiring so much time university professors and post-grad assistants who would handle the multi-center studies at their respective universities.

The time required for an accurate Yes / No with the Electronic SoulSwitch continues to decrease but hasn’t reached the breakthrough level of 10 seconds or less. Doing the multi-center studies with a lesser device would detract from achieving the breakthrough. As such, we are waiting to do multicenter studies with the very best detection system.

Q: On the 2020 SoulPhone Update, it states: “Based on this body of research, Dr. Schwartz now has a 99.9% degree of confidence.” If seven experiments showed contact with those living on ‘the other side’, shouldn`t it be 100% ?

A: It’s a well-established scientific position to not state absolute certainty about anything since we may not know all the variables involved. For example, Dr. Schwartz says there are five different theories about what is gravity is and why it works. For the record, he will state 99.99% certainty as a scientist if, after data collection and analysis, multicenter studies are successful. That’s as high a degree of certainty that a true scientist will state.

A: When doing experiments with spirits, how do you confirm their identity?

Q: This is a commonly asked question, in part, because of the need to know exactly whom we are working. However, some people have expressed fear and concern about ‘evil spirits’ getting involved.

Here is our definition of ‘evil spirits’ from our book Greater Reality Living: “This term is commonly used to describe a malicious entity that can hurt or influence you. We consider that there may be lower energy beings whose actions are not aligned with love, good and light. The term imbalanced entities will be used to describe these immature and chaotic manifestations of energy.”

For both of these reasons, the SoulPhone will adhere to very high standards of authenticity, safety, and security. Precautions against imposters or malicious persons include:

  1. Multiple evidential research mediums independently verify the identity of hypothesized postmaterial collaborators (HPCs).
  2. These mediums have developed relationships with various postmaterial luminaries (A-Team members) over the years and know – with a good degree of certainty – what they look, sound, and feel like.
  3. The mediums, as well as religious teachings, assure us about the power of prayer and positive intention to work only with beings of light and love.
  4. Soul operators oversee the research and help spot any imbalanced / evil ‘spirits’
  5. Personal Identity Tests ask a series of specific questions of the HPCs. Some of the questions should be answered ‘yes’, some ‘no.’ The 100% accuracy of answers further indicate that the HPCs are, indeed, who they seem to be.
  6. Finally, Expert Knowledge Tests present little known details to the HPCs and ask if they invented or wrote it. For example, Nikola Tesla would be shown a series of rare diagrams about his inventions and asked if he designed them. Harry Houdini would be shown a portion of his book and asked if he wrote those words.

It’s impossible to absolutely know the identity of the purported HPC, but these safeguards provide a very high degree of certainty.

Q: How is the SoulPhone Project different from EVP devices that can already deliver words and images of deceased people?

A: EVP (Electronic Voice Projection) and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) devices occasionally achieve purported contact with PMPs, but those results are often dependent on the experimenter. The audio sounds often can’t be understood and are accompanied by subtitles that stretch one’s imagination. Similarly, video images are often blurry and sometimes require photos of the PMP beforehand.

SoulPhone technology should result in clear and accurate sounds and images for anyone. The services / devices are anticipated to be much like current ‘smart devices’, that is, anyone can use them with a little instruction. To learn about other differences between EVP / ITC and anticipated SoulPhone technology, see article #106 Comparison of the SoulPhone Project and Instrumental Transcommunication)

Q: When will in-person local Greater Reality Living group meetings resume?

A: Those were cancelled in early 2020 after Covid arrived. However, even before then, the response was less than we expected. We understand why: there are so many webinars, meetings, and claims these days that people are overwhelmed. As such, we decided to wait until the following to start online and local groups again:

  1. Official announcements in a press conference at a major university about scientific proof of life after death.
  2. Public virtual demonstrations of the SoulSwitch technology that more quickly show highly accurate Yes / No responses from postmaterial persons (PMPs)
  3. A worldwide educational campaign to share ‘The Great News’ that is indicated by much scientific, clinical, and experiential evidence. To learn more, see article #19 at ‘The Great News’

SoulPhone Project 2020 Update

Six experiments involving two thousand sessions and millions of pieces of data concluded in early 2020. These experiments incorporated standard scientific requirements such as control groups, blinded experimenter conditions, replication, multiple test centers, and more. Results of the first two experiments were published in Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing (2020). An additional paper about all six experiments to date is being completed. (See references to additional papers by Dr. Schwartz at the end of this article.)

The Plasma Globe System (PGS) was used as a switch for postmaterial collaborators (so-called ‘deceased’ persons involved in the experiment) to signal ‘yes / no’ to basic questions. The totality of the replicated findings makes it very clear that:

  1. life continues after bodily death.
  2. postmaterial collaborators were able to generate accurate ‘yes / no’ responses during multiple Operator Skills, Cognitive Understanding, and Personal Identification tests. (See below under 2019 Update to learn more about these tests.)

However, the Plasma Globe System (PGS) requires 25 minutes of data analysis time before the averaged responses to ten questions are available. This is amazing evidence of life after death, but the Electronic SoulSwitch (ESS) should provide instantaneous answers to individual questions. PGS was also never considered practical as a component for the SoulKeyboard. The Electronic SoulSwitch (ESS), on the other hand, is anticipated to be an effective ‘key’ similar to those on your smart device keyboard.

Creating software and hardware for the ESS has begun. However, the pace is slowed by insufficient funding to hire a full-time electrical engineer and software programmer. Existing funds permit only minimal part-time assistance so everything has been greatly delayed.
For example, we have two highly intelligent software programmers but they have full-time jobs, families, etc. They may require weeks to complete periodic software updates that would only take a few hours for a full-time programmer on the SoulPhone Project.

A number of universities, institutes, and private scientific labs are ready to run multicenter studies to replicate findings of the first six experiments. Multicenter studies are the gold standard for scientific research.

Experiments with the ESS – that uses a form of more conventional detection technology used in industries – will be much more credible to scientists. Rapid and 99% reliable ‘yes / no’ answers will also be more impressive to those seeing demonstrations. Experiments using ESS will also involve much less time for the postmaterial collaborators. For example, past studies with the PGS required 8 hours of their presence for 24 days. The ESS may only only require one hour to produce the same amount of data. (See Hypothesized Collaborators to learn more about the dedicated postmaterial luminaries assisting the research.)

If independent labs at prestigious institutions replicate previous experiments, we can responsibly and accurately say that the question of afterlife survival has been affirmatively proven scientifically.

This is a very important distinction to understand. Again, as of January 2021, it can reliably be said that life after death has been definitively demonstrated scientifically. If multicenter studies replicate existing data, it can be accurately stated that life after death has been proven. These precise statements reflect the degree of certainty based upon the collective research.

After working with many thousands of people who deeply grieve when a loved one passes on, I can say this: the great news of proof versus definitive demonstrations of afterlife will be much more comforting. Proof that life continues beyond bodily death also confers many wonderful benefits. (To see a list of these benefits, read article #3 at When a Loved One’s Earthly Body Dies.)

SoulPhone Demonstrations were planned to be given at 15 cities in 2020. However, we were concerned that people wouldn’t be impressed with the PGS demonstrations. Highly statistically significant findings of increased light occurred when ‘spirits’ touched the plasma globe. However, people are so used to existing electronic technology and may not fully appreciate signal detection from postmaterial persons. As such, we decided to wait until the ESS could be used for public demonstrations. (That decision turned out to be a blessing given Covid-related restrictions in 2020.)

Future SoulPhone Demonstrations will have more instant, impressive, and credible signs of ‘yes / no’ responses from those living in the next phase of life. The ESS technology will also be used with SoulSwitch Sessions. Numerous physicians, psychologists, and university professors want to use this device with their clients, particularly those who are deeply grieving.

Dr. Schwartz and attorney Alan Bourey published their book The Case for Truth. Proactively discussing the issue of responsible truth seeking is needed before a full reveal of the SoulPhone Project. Why? As you may have noticed, we live in a time when half-truths and mistruths are sometimes made – and widely accepted – despite a lack of supporting evidence. As a result, some people, despite the preponderance of scientific research at a leading university, may think the SoulPhone Project is just another exaggeration or lie. This and the other books cited are part of the infrastructure before sharing our findings worldwide.

The book The Big Picture of Life – written by Katta Mapes MA, MEd, Dr. Schwartz, and myself – was also published. This book was designed for ages 10 – 16, but some adults have said they learned more from it than the version for adults: Greater Reality Living. We wanted young people to know that life after death has now been definitely demonstrated scientifically. We also wanted to share the accompanying great news, hope, and inspiration.

Dr. Schwartz’s book Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence is nearly completed. This is another foundational project we wanted in place before announcing our findings with people around the world. The title comes from a statement by Carl Sagan PhD. We agree with Dr. Sagan that much impressive evidence is required before making a claim as extraordinary as scientific proof of life after death.

We are assembling a group of professors in the fields of journalism, psychology, religion, philosophy, engineering, etc. to assist with the full announcement in the future. They will provide additional credibility and help expand our reach to people around the world.

Advances with our ethics committee have also been made. We want to consider how to best reach out to leaders in religion, education, leadership, business, and other fields. Our goal is to show respect and appreciation for diverse teachings – even those that will likely disagree with the scientific findings. In religion, for example, we want to dialogue with leaders of major beliefs so they can share the upcoming news with their members if they like.

A paradigm shift will occur after worldwide announcements that afterlife has been scientifically proven. We are doing everything we can to make this shift as positive and comforting as possible.

Dr. Schwartz is writing Soul Science, an academic book primarily written for scientists. This book is part of the infrastructure needed before SoulPhone Demonstrations and world-wide announcements this summer.

To decrease foundation costs and work for volunteer team members, we combined the SoulPhone Foundation and Greater Reality Living websites. To see the result that still covers both aspects of our outreaches, visit

Numerous local Greater Reality Living Groups met in person in several countries last year and 2019. Thanks to our group leaders, we reached many people and learned how to improve the format. Covid put a halt to physical meetings but those will resume when it’s safer.

We will start ONLINE Greater Reality Living Groups in the future using webinar infrastructure and tech support from the International Association for Near-Death Experiences ( Their top leaders consider the SoulPhone Project and Greater Reality Living to be natural ‘sister’ groups since our vision is very similar to many who had near-death and near-death-like experiences. You will receive notice about when the online groups start and how to attend if you receive the free SoulPhone newsletter. (Sign up at if you haven’t already.)

Dr. Schwartz and I gave some media interviews and webinar presentations this year. We only did a limited number of these, however, so we could focus on priority projects and reach our goal of an affordable SoulKeyboard as soon as possible for people around the world. A few interviews were conducted by hosts who obviously hadn’t done their homework. As such, we now require preparation by hosts – and passing a test to demonstrate their understanding – before we will grant interviews. Our visions and missions are too important to waste time with ‘shock jocks’ or misinformed interviewers. To learn more, visit Media Page.

One way to measure the impact of our outreaches is by the number of people who were inspired to donate $5 or $10 per month or more. Those small donations add up and we are very thankful. Every dollar donated goes primarily to the research, and secondarily for minimal foundation operating expenses. Neither Dr. Schwartz, Rhonda, nor I have received one penny for our extensive work over the years. In addition, the foundation team of 15 talented people are all volunteers.

A fund raising ‘pitch pack’ and video were created by our funding committee as we prepare to find large donors (defined as $50,000 or more). Contact me at if you can help at this level and I’ll send these to you. We only need twenty visionary donors at this level, or fewer who can donate more, to obtain the $2M needed for a practically working SoulSwitch. That amount may also, at least partly, fund R & D on the SoulKeyboard. The foundation is a non-profit 501c3 so your donations should be tax deductible.

Finally, I’m presenting a series of webinars entitled ‘Creating the Life YOU Envision’ on the IANDS platform. The word ‘you’ is capitalized to denote the entirety of who you really are: your physical aspect on earth and your energy / consciousness / soul that preceded human birth and will survive bodily death. Realizing that YOU continue to live after the earth-suit dies has many benefits. One is that you can honor your missions and, as Thoreau encouraged, create the greatest life you’ve imagined.

I hope this 2021 update helps you better understand the many facets of the SoulPhone Project and Greater Reality Living groups. Your involvement is important. Specifically, here are four actions steps you can take to assist the project and prepare others for this positively life-transformative news:

  1. Share our newsletters with others: If you’ve not already, sign up for the SoulPhone Project / Greater Reality Living
  2. Become a SoulPhone Foundation Member: Foundation team members are all volunteers so 100% of membership fees and donations go to SoulPhone Project R & D and minimal foundation operating costs. Even $5 or $10 per month helps.
  3. Attend Online GRL Groups, Attend a Local GRL Group, or Facilitate a GRL Group: Click on the links to learn more about how these can help transform your life and our world for the better.
  4. Tell others in every way you can, for example, social media, emails, at your church or spiritual group, etc. Share the 2021 SoulPhone Update to introduce people to the university-based scientific findings of life after death and the accompanying great news.

Have you ever hoped that life on earth was more peaceful, joyful, respectful, and fulfilling? The SoulPhone Project and Greater Reality Living vision can do just that for you, others, and our planet. Thank you for your interest and assisting this mission.

2020 SoulPhone Project Update

  1. Dr. Schwartz’s latest article about the presence of postmaterial persons and their ability to communicate will soon be published in Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. Click here to read the abstract.
  2. Four experiments involving over a thousand recording sessions and millions of pieces of data occurred at three different test centers in 2019. Using the Plasma Globe System, the totality of the replicated findings makes it very clear that:

    a. Life continues after bodily death.

    b. The postmaterial collaborators were able to generate accurate ‘yes / no’ responses during multiple Operator Skills, Personal Identification, and Cognitive Understanding tests. (see 2019 Update to learn more about these tests)

    Based on this body of research, Dr. Schwartz now has a 99.9% degree of confidence about (a) and (b). That is as high a statement of certainty that a serious scientist will make.

  3. Three recent technological breakthroughs make development of an Electronic SoulSwitch (ESS) a practical possibility, perhaps as soon as next year. Creating software and hardware for the ESS has already begun and early research may start in two months.
    A highly reliable and accurate ESS should allow development of a SoulKeyboard. The keyboard will, much like earthly versions of that technology, enable texting and typing. However the SoulKeyboard will enable that with two groups of postmaterial persons:

    a.) ‘Departed’ loved ones: the comfort and joy from really knowing our loved ones are alive and well – and enjoying communication with them – will be extraordinary.

    b.) ‘Deceased’ luminaries: many scientists, inventors, leaders, and others want to help us heal our world. They are willing and able to conduct webinars that can help us solve our biggest personal and global challenges.

    The Plasma Globe System was never envisioned to produce a commercializable device such as the keyboard. However, the ESS will likely do just that.

  4. Because of the ESS breakthrough . . .

    a.) SEED Events are postponed; click this link to learn more about these group demonstrations.

    b.) HOPE Client Sessions are postponed; click this link to learn more about individual sessions with a beloved ‘departed’ family member or friend.

    For both (a) and (b), delaying them should result in much more impressive, powerful, and reassuring experiences. Greatly enhanced technology of ESS should provide more accurate, instantaneous, and meaningful experiences for both SEED and HOPE.

  5. Other envisioned SoulPhone devices include:

    a.) SoulVoice™ to talk with your dear ones living in postmaterial realms.

    b.) SoulVideo™ promises to hear and see those living in non-earthly realms.

    c.) SoulPhone apps to use with any smart personal device.

    d. Worldwide webinars with postmaterial luminaries in the fields of science, health care, religion, law, environmental protection, leadership, education, world peace, and other key areas.

  6. I invite you to:

    a.) share this information with others

    b.) subscribe to free SoulPhone Foundation/ Greater Reality Living e-newsletters

    c.) become a member and / or donor

    d.) attend online and/or local Greater Reality Living groups. We are just starting the groups so start one if there’s not an established group in your area.

2019 SoulPhone Project Update

Summary:  This article describes a breakthrough in the development of a stage 2 SoulPhone technology. The device provides clear evidence with real-time, live demonstrations that at least some ‘deceased’ persons can use the equipment to demonstrate their presence.  Further, this device has been tested with

  1. the Operator Skills Test
  2. the Personal Identification test
  3. the Cognitive Understanding test, and shows 80 – 90% replicability.

The combination of these tests provide strong evidence of the HPC’s identity and allows for rudimentary communication.

Gary E. Schwartz Ph.D., formerly a professor at Harvard University and tenured professor at Yale University, has presented more than 450 scientific papers, co-edited 11 academic books, and written 8 for the general public.  A senior professor at the University of Arizona, Dr. Schwartz directs the Laboratory for Advancements in Consciousness and Health as well as The SoulPhone Project.  To learn more about him, visit

Dr. Schwartz has agreed for me to share the following update, especially for our SoulPhone Foundation members, newsletter subscribers, and Greater Reality Living group facilitators.

Note: this is not an official announcement or press release.  That will occur after his scientific paper about the research has been accepted by a peer-reviewed journal.

To receive news about future ‘spirit’ communication technology breakthroughs, sign up for the free e-newsletter at or

This update is purposely being released on the 115th anniversary of the first Wright Brothers plane flight.  I will share parallels between the development of the airplane and the SoulPhone.

Dr. Schwartz – and a team of electrical engineers, software programmers, evidential research mediums led by Rhonda Schwartz, and hypothesized post-material collaborators– have worked on the SoulPhone Project for nearly ten years.  (Post-material is a term we use to describe people whose earthly forms have died.  ‘Post-material persons’ no longer live in the material or earthly world that can be sensed by most humans.)

Hypothesized postmaterial collaborators (HPCs) include ‘deceased’ people who were stellar scientists, inventors, entertainers, and teachers while living on earth.  They want to help those of us who are experiencing life from an earthly perspective.

To learn more about how these HPCs – collectively called the A-Team – have assisted this project, visit Hypothesized Collaborators.  You can also read about these luminaries who are helping the research and development in an article by Rhonda Schwartz  included as Appendix I of Greater Reality Living (co-authored by Dr. Schwartz and myself).

Some of the terms in this update may be new or seem complex.  However, learning them now can increase your surety that bodily death is not the end of life, and allow you to enjoy the many benefits that accompany that great news.

In the summer of 2018, Dr. Schwartz and his team achieved a breakthrough with the stage 1 SoulSwitch™ prototype.  Using computer automated and completely controlled laboratory experiments, this device provided definitive evidencethat three different HPCs could use the equipment to accurately identify themselves and validate their involvement.  These results have been repeated numerous times and found to be around 80 – 90% replicable.

These HPCs were able to reliably follow computer spoken instructions.  An example is: “Touch this part of the device to signal a ‘yes’ answer” or “Keep your hands by your side to signal a ‘no’ answer.”

(As a side note, I would like to address a question that likely just arose in your mind. Yes, early indications are that those whose human form has died can still have hands, arms, and other body parts. They have an ‘energy body’ that is, or can be, just as ‘physical’ as bodies on earth seem to beor perhaps even more so. However, this news is not as earth-shaking as it might first sound, thus the phrase “seem to be”.

Humans are not nearly as ‘solid’ as most of our sense organs report; we largely consist of subatomic particles of energy and waves of light amidst lots of space.  As such, in a very real sense, humans have ‘energy bodies’ right now.

And, based on the best understandings of several scientific disciplines, “space” — whether inside us or interstellar — contains information and energy.  Dr. Gary Schwartz terms it the ‘info-energy system.’  Dr. Erwin Laszlo calls it the ‘akashic or A-Field’ with a nod to Hindu rishis who knew these things millennia ago.  Dr. Deepak Chopra first introduced me to the term ‘the field of all possibilities.’  Dr. David Bohm described this energy and information as like a sea of energy from which ripples emanate.  Transient excitations of energy may, depending on the observer, appear to be a human or other “solid” experience.  Other quantum physicists term it ‘the zero-point field.’

(But that is another discussion for another day.)

The following tests have been used with the stage 2 SoulSwitch prototype: Operator Skills Tests, Personal Identification Tests, and Cognitive Understanding Tests.  Future research will include Expert Knowledge Tests. These provide additional evidence about the:

  1. continuation of consciousness beyond bodily death
  2. ability of HPCs to interact with the technology
  3. willingness of postmaterial persons to work with ‘spirit’ communication devices
  4. ability of current technology to detect answers from those who have ‘passed on’

The Operator Skills Tests are designed to determine whether HPCs can effectively use the technology as instructed.  It is essential to first determine whether HPCs can activate the switch in a yes – no fashion. This involves ensuring that they can hear verbal and/or see written instructions provided by proprietary computer software.  The next part of this test confirms that HPCs are reliably following the instructions.  So far, their ability to demonstrate that they can use the device is 80 – 90% replicable.

The Personal Identification Test used with the stage 2 SoulSwitch prototype has provided ‘yes / no’ answers with 80 – 90% replicability.  (By the way, the statistical probability of obtaining replicable ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers 9 out of 10 times by chance is only 1%.)

Here’s how the Personal Identification test works: imagine that Nikola Tesla is reported as being present by one or more evidential research mediums.  A series of questions that can be answered with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers is then asked by the computer: “Is your first name Nikola?  Is your last name Pitstick?  Were you born in Croatia?  Were you ever married?” The correct answers to those questions should be: yes, no, yes, no. Again, accurate and consistent answers have been repeatedly obtained during experiments with three different HPCs.

For those who understand scientific researchand the importance of trusting the data, a reliably functioning stage 1 SoulSwitch prototype is a life-altering discovery.  It provides another layer of scientific evidence that life does not end after bodily death.  This device also indicates that some postmaterial persons – those who have ‘passed on’ – can follow directions, understand human language, and communicate on at least a rudimentary basis.

Those are amazing breakthroughs with many potential personal and worldwide benefits.

An apt analogy is to compare the stage 1 SoulPhone prototype to the Wright Brothers’ accomplishments.  The first manned plane flight occurred on December 14, 1903.  It lasted only 3 seconds . . . and then crashed.  But Wilbur Wright wrote home afterwards, “There is now no question of final success.”  The Wright Brothersknewthat human flight was possible.

Likewise, the stage 1 SoulSwitch prototype isn’t a practical device that can be commercialized for people to use.  But it does demonstrate that reliable and accurate communication with those whose earthly forms have died is possible.  After the stage 1 prototype,Dr. Schwartz and his team knewthat communication with postmaterial persons is possible.

It gets better!

Dr. Schwartz and his team have just recently developed a stage 2 SoulSwitch prototype. This device provides real-time, live demonstrations showing clear evidence that HPCs can use the equipment to verify their presence.  This prototype has been replicated numerous times with 80 – 90% replicability.  In addition to the Personal Identification test, the Expert Knowledge Test provides a deeper level of certainty about the HPC’s identity and allows another layer of interaction.

With this test, a series of questions are asked about more detailed matters.  For example, Tesla, might be asked: “Did you discover the theory of relativity?  Was your World Power System part of your plan for creating free energy for people around the world?  Did you write the musical score for a famous Broadway play? Did you invent the capacitor discharge ignition system?”  The correct answers to those questions should be: no, yes, no, yes.

The stage 2 SoulSwitch can also use pictures for a Cognitive Understanding Test.  A series of animal photos are shown one at a time with the question “Is this a _____?”  Some of the questions should be answered ‘yes’ while ‘no’ is the correct answer for others.  For example, a picture of a cat is shown with the printed question “Is this a cat?” Obviously, the correct answer is ‘yes.’ Next, a picture of a horse is shown with the printed question, “Is this a bird?” so the correct answer is ‘no.’ Results from this test so far are in the 80 – 90% replicability range.  This test further demonstrates that HPCs – ‘those living in spirit’ – still remember details from their time on earth and retain vocabulary skills.

These findings also indicate even more powerfully that postmaterial persons are alive and real.  In addition, the results emphasize that they can and want to communicate with us.

Please take a moment to imagine the future implications of this technology for visiting with your ‘departed’ loved ones.  In addition, just think of the healing and positively transformative possibilities– for you, your loved ones, and our planet – with input from exceptional ‘departed’ luminaries who now have a broader view of the greater reality.

This level of ‘spirit communication’ technology is similar to the second Wright Brothers’ flight. After repairs, their plane was again ready on December 17.  The Flyer lifted off the launching rail with Orville at the controls, then came to rest with a thud 120 feet from where it had taken off.  The flight lasted only 12 seconds, but a human had flown.  Similarly, the stage 2 SoulSwitch prototype was the next level of demonstrating the living presence of people after bodily death.  It clearly shows that postmaterial persons have communicated!

Although this technology provides definitive proof of the presence of ‘spirit’ and other important benefits, it isn’t yet practical for real-time communication.  Why?

  1. Stage 2 SoulSwitch demonstrations currently take about 30 minutes.

  2. This level of technology has not yet been tested with ‘ordinary people’, that is, those who were not superstar scientists, inventors, and performers.

  3. At this time, these demonstrations provide “only” the average of ten ‘yes’ and ten ‘no’ answers.  That is, the technology does not yet provide individual answers to specific questions.

  4. Data analysis requires about 30 minutes to obtain the average of the answers.

Even so, the stage 2 SoulSwitch provides much evidence, reassurance, and hope.

The design of SoulSwitch Sessions is still being planned. The identity of the postmaterial person – your ‘deceased’ loved one – may be demonstrated with the Personal Identification Test.  The Expert Knowledge Test can provide even more convincing evidence about who is visiting. Further, it shows that they remember details about your time together on earth.  For example, a bereaved parent might ask the following question of a son or daughter who has changed worlds: “Did you have a dog named Snoopy when you were a child?  Did we give you a pocket knife for your tenth birthday?  Was Freckles one of your nicknames?”

Only the client, close family members, and the ‘departed’ loved one would know the answers to such personal and detailed questions.  Receiving replicable answers can be the final proof for deeply realizing that life and love are forever.  It could be like the moment in the movie “Ghost” when Demi Moore’s character finally realized that her beloved boyfriend was really alive and watching over her.  (If you haven’t seen this classic film lately, please do so to deepen your appreciation of how life transforming the SoulPhone can be for you and others.)

We also are evaluating whether the Expert Knowledge Test can be used to determine whether your beloved postmaterial persons (PMPs) are aware of recent events.  Here’s how this may work: you could ask a series of questions for which some of the answers should be ‘yes’ and others should be ‘no.’  You might ask: ‘Did I miss a recent family Christmas party?  Are you aware that mom was in the hospital last week?  Did you know that I broke my leg last month?  Were you present when our dog died this summer?’

For me, the correct answers would be ‘yes, yes, no, and no.’  Imagine that the Personal Identification Test showed that my Dad, who dropped his earth suit 11 years ago, was using the technology.  His highly replicable answers would be a huge indication that he still cares and is aware of events in my daily life.  I have tears in my eyes as I type this and anticipate soon knowing at a deeper level that he is alive and well.  The prospect of enjoying a continued relationship with him via the SoulPhone devices boggles my mind and warms my heart.

As impressive as the Expert Knowledge Test might be, we anticipate that the Cognitive Understanding Test will be most comforting to those deeply grieving or missing a loved one.

In this portion of the HOPE session, photos will be provided by the client who hopes to visit with a postmaterial loved one.  For example, if you are a female and want to communicate with your father who passed on, a photo of you as a child could be displayed with the question: “Is this a photo of me when I was a little girl?” A photo of a stranger could then be shown with the same question.  A picture of you and your father at Disney World could be shown with the question, “Is this us on my sixteenth birthday?”

I had goosebumps and a lump in my throat after Dr. Schwartz described this capability, and I realized the potential impact for those who are suffering and mourning.  But it gets even better!

This test could also be used to indicate that your postmaterial loved one cares enough to visit and be as involved as possible in your life.  For example, you could show a photo taken last week of you and several family members, then ask: ‘Was this picture taken recently?’  The answer should be ‘yes.’  You could show a picture of you taken several years ago and ask, ‘Were you present when this photo was taken of me when I was sick last week?’  Whether your loved one knows it was an old photo, or he/she wasn’t present, the answer should be ‘no.’

What is the next stage?

The stage 3 SoulSwitch prototype is anticipated to provide:

  1. real time answers from HPCs to individual questions

  2. verbal questions can be asked by the client instead of being computer programmed

  3. individual ‘yes / no’ answers will be provided for specific questions

  4. a commercializable device(whether that occurs or not is ultimately a business decision)

  5. the ability to create a SoulKeyboardto enable texting and typing with your dear ones

  6. an expanded ability to communicatewith and benefit from the wisdom and perspective of postmaterial geniuses and visionaries

Achieving this level of technology will be very time consuming and require ultra-sophisticated and expensive equipment.  For example, it will require:

  • full time salaries for Dr. Schwartz, an electrical engineer, a software programmer, and fees for evidential research mediums and other consultants

  • a clean room free of: dust and other contaminants; interfering electromagnetic fields; and excess sound, vibration, and temperature fluctuations

  • expensive equipment

  • other related expenses

We appreciate our visionary members, donors, and future investors who can fathom the benefits of the SoulPhone Project for many people and our planet.  Thus far, the University of Arizona has provided lab space, basic services, and the use of graduate assistants. But much of the funding has come from forward looking and caring individuals.

A Wright Brothers’ analogy?  The stage 3 SoulSwitch will be like the first plane to transport people and cargo over moderate distances.

And after that?

Do you know how much planes have developed since those first flights?  Worldwide, in 2017 commercial airlines carried over four billion passengers on scheduled flights.  What are the future possibilities for the SoulPhone?

  • SoulKeyboard™ is anticipated to allow texting and typing with postmaterial family, friends, and experts in every field of expertise.

  • SoulVoice™ is envisioned to enable talkingwith your dear ones who are living in another part of forever.

  • SoulVideo™ promises to allow hearing and seeing those who are experiencing the field of all possibilities from a different observation point.

  • SoulPhone™ apps are foreseen to be used with any smart personal device.

  • Worldwide webinars with postmaterial geniuses in science, health care, religion, law, environmental protection, leadership, education, world peace, and more.

And after that?

Dr. Schwartz is already looking ahead to achieving 3D holographic, live images for visits and assistance from those in another part of forever.  Can you imagine?

Again, thank you for . . .

  1. sharing this information with others

  2. subscribing to the free SoulPhone FoundationGreater Reality Living e-newsletters

  3. becoming a member and donating to this project

  4. attending online and/or local Greater Reality Living groups.  We are just starting the groups in early 2019. If there’s not one in your area, consider starting one.

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