George Anderson: For more than forty years, George Anderson has been able to bridge the world of the Hereafter and the earth. Since suffering a near-fatal illness at the age of six, George has had a special relationship with the souls in the Hereafter who depend on his ability to bring peace and comfort to their grieving families. George has conducted more than 35,000 sessions and is the most scientifically tested medium in the world. He has earned the respect and acclaim of those in the scientific, medical and religious fields. In 1982, George became the first medium to appear weekly in a television series (Psychic Channels). In 1987, his book We Don’t Die became the first best-seller by a medium. In 1995, George Anderson was the first and only medium invited to Holland by the holocaust-surviving members of the Anne Frank family. George is the author of the New York Times Bestseller, Lessons From The Light, Walking in the Garden of Souls, Ask George Anderson and is the subject of the National Bestsellers, We Are Not Forgotten and Our Children Forever.  His books have sold more than a million copies worldwide. George’s work is referenced in more than 60 books and has been filmed for dozens of television programs including his own primetime network special Contact: Talking to the Dead. Acclaim and recognition for his extraordinary ability has not altered George Anderson’s simple, lifelong commitment–to help reunite the souls with their grieving families here, bringing comfort, hope and a new understanding that all is not lost to physical death.  Of his incredible life and amazing ability, George Anderson’s only comment is the modest statement of a true visionary– “I am only the instrument.” Website:

Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer (Psychic Lawyer®) is a fourth-generation psychic medium who communicates with spirits. He is an Oxford educated attorney who has tried over 100 jury trials and is licensed to practice law in Florida, Washington D.C., and before the United States Supreme Court. Mark was named a notable graduate by the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Science; he is a Spiritual Awakenings International Circle of Honor Honoree and he received the OMMIE Award for Best Psychic Medium in the OMMIE Awards sponsored by OMTimes and iSpirit Media.

Mark Anthony is known as “The Psychic Explorer” due to his extensive background in science, quantum physics, survival of consciousness, near-death experiences, history, archaeology, philosophy, and theology. He examines mystical locations in the US and remote corners of the world to explore ancient ruins, mysteries, and supernatural phenomena. Mark appears nationwide on TV & Radio including the CBS hit show “The Doctors,” Discovery Channel and Gaia TV. He is the co-host of award-winning livestream show “The Psychic and The Doc” on The Transformation Network.

He is a headline speaker at conventions, expos, and spiritual organizations such as the Edgar Cayce A.R.E., International Association for Near-death Studies, The Shift Network, Sedona Ascension Retreats, New Living Expo, Center for Consciousness, The Galileo Commission, Spiritual Awakenings International, Helping Parents Heal, Theosophical Society, Vail Symposium & universities including Brown, Columbia, Harvard & Yale.

Mark Anthony is a VIP Executive Contributor for Best Holistic Life Magazine. Mark’s latest multiple award-winning bestseller The Afterlife Frequency was designated by as one of the top books about faith in God and like his other bestseller Evidence of Eternity was considered for a Pulitzer Prize. His other bestselling book is Never Letting Go which is recommended by grief counsellors and hospices worldwide.

Suzanne Giesemann, MA: Suzanne Giesemann is the Chairman of Eternea’s Spirituality Leadership Council, author of eleven books, a spiritual teacher, and an evidential medium. She captivates audiences as she brings hope, healing, and comfort through her work. Suzanne’s gift of communication with those on the other side provides stunning evidence of life after death. Touted as “a breath of fresh air” with “a quality that is so different from others that it is difficult to describe,” she brings messages of hope and love that go straight to the heart. Suzanne is a retired U.S. Navy Commander. She served as a commanding officer, as special assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations, and as Aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9/11. Today Suzanne addresses questions about the purpose of life, the nature of reality, and attuning to higher consciousness. Her work has been recognized as highly credible by afterlife researcher Dr. Gary Schwartz, Ph.D., and best-selling author Dr. Wayne Dyer.  She serves on the advisory board of the Academy for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies. She is the author of 13 books and hosts “Messages of Hope” Unity Online Radio show.  Website:

Suzane Northrup: For over 30 years, Suzane has been an internationally acclaimed medium, grief and bereavement expert, TV and radio host and author. She has helped thousands worldwide recover and heal from the loss of loved ones by bridging the gap between the world of the living and the spiritual world where the departed reside. The Afterlife, Suzane’s Emmy-nominated TV series, has captured the imagination and hearts of millions in both the U.S. and Canada. The Suzane Northrop Radio Show continues to reach new and amazed audiences every month on the Blog Talk Radio Network. Suzane has lectured extensively throughout the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. In addition to the many workshops, seminars and events she produces each month across the U.S., Suzane is also on faculty at The Omega Institute for Holistic Studies and has collaborated with practitioners from Scripps Integrated Medicine. She has been an expert consultant to numerous investigation agencies and was also involved in grief counseling for victims of the NYC World Trade Center tragedy in 2001. Suzane continues to lecture, consult, write, and host her radio show each month, and is currently working on new book and television projects. Website:

Tina Powers: Tina Powers is a former news anchor and reporter who now works as a professional medium. As she says, “It’s reporting for the other side.” Sensitive since childhood, Tina felt the presence of people who had crossed over but the intuitive information became a much more powerful force after she made the decision to leave the harsh reality of television news. Tina lectures on intuition and holds private sessions with clients at the world renowned Miraval Resort in Arizona. Her clientele is a veritable “who’s who” of people from all walks of life from business leaders to celebrities who span the globe. Her warmth, infectious laugh and incredible ability to help people connect with a higher vibration enables them to lead happier lives. Tina has authored two books. The first, a children‘s book called The Land of Imagination helps kids believe in themselves and their dreams. The second, Reporting for the Other Side, is a chronicle of her journey from the news media to the spiritual world. Website:

Carl Buehl: Carl Buehl has been a Medium since he was a child, he just didn’t know what it was called at the time. He’s also an Emmy Award winning Executive Producer in television, dual rated airplane/helicopter pilot and former professional guitar player.

Carl’s first Spirit experiences began as a child with his “imaginary friend” named Charley who he later discovered to be the primary Guide in his spiritual work. Through self-discovery and training in the early 90’s, Carl performed group readings in online forums amassing transcripts of his Mediumship that he then submitted to scientific scrutiny with Dr. Gary Schwartz at the University of Arizona.  Dr. Schwartz states “Carl is a science-minded medium whose readings are both evidential and meaningful. He is among the most skilled, informed, and compassionate of the gifted mediums I have tested scientifically. ” It was experiences from some of his early spirit contacts that convinced and inspired Carl to live, love, honor and teach about Mediumship.  Helping others understand, break through fears and offer evidence that life and love continue after death became a major part of his life work. Carl continues to participate in afterlife scientific research with Dr. Gary Schwartz as well as publicly speaking, demonstrating and organizing Mediumship development. He has attended formal education in Advanced Medium & Psychic studies with Arthur Findlay College’s Mavis Pittilla and Paul Jacobs as well as studying with (LWISSD) Master Teacher Colby Rebel. Carl believes Medium communication is an important part of the healing process of grieving as it demonstrates the continuing bonds we have with those who have crossed over. He is currently blending his Spiritual and television life, producing a documentary about the Soulphone while also serving on the Spiritual Advisory Board for the Soulphone Foundation. Website:

Jamie Clark: Jamie Clark had signs early in life that he would someday help people with his remarkable talents. As a child, he was concerned about being different from others and what was going on in his mind. With the guidance of his mother Elaine, also a gifted medium, they began to explore the depth of Jamie’s emerging talents.

Through years of study and a series of profound revelations, Jamie discovered he had gifts of psychic intuition and mediumistic abilities. He could communicate messages and feelings between people living on earth and those in another plane of existence. In 2020, with thousands of powerful connections made worldwide and years of experience as his guide, Jamie offers this healing phenomenon to those who need it most. Those are people searching for life direction / guidance, and those seeking answers and closure from family and friends who have passed.

Jamie hosts the podcast Psychic Evolution and created the Psychic Evolution Training Cards. He shares how to integrate the natural psychic senses with the empowerment of spiritual knowledge to create a more fulfilling life of love, happiness and success. Jamie has assisted Dr. Gary Schwartz over the years with several experiments involving multiple mediums.

Andy Lynn Lee

Andy Lynn Lee: For over 40 years, Andy has helped many people as an RN, Doctor of Acupuncture, clinical aromatherapist, and yoga teacher. She has lectured and taught about these topics on local and national levels. For decades, Andy used her objective abilities to see patients’ auras, know about their health, and hear them speak when they couldn’t physically. This led her to formally study auras, medical intuition, and evidential mediumship. She took courses from Suzanne Giesemann, trained in England with Mavis Pittilla, and continues advanced studies with her.

Andy’s evidential medium abilities were evaluated in 2020 by Gary E. Schwartz PhD, senior professor at the University of Arizona. Under blind conditions in which she could not know anything about the subject, she provided high levels of specific details. Afterwards, Dr. Schwartz said “She’s the real deal” and invited her to assist as a research medium for the SoulPhone Project.

In addition, Andy directed the documentary Soul Proof and is a screenwriter. She recently completed a script, inspired by the book Droplets of God by Suzanne Giesemann, about the life and teachings of Mavis Pittilla.

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