I just wanted to thank you for the SoulPhone Project.  When I feel worried about death, I think about the SoulPhone.  Although it has not come out yet, it surely makes me feel a lot better.  I learned about it in 2020 and was completely astonished.  I was concerned about there being nothing after death, but this really comforted me.  Maybe one day I’ll work in this field!

Noah (15 years old)

I am seeking to learn more about the SoulPhone Project.  My son left this earth several years ago.  As such, I was forced to confront a life of unimaginable pain.  However, through this, I realized possibilities of life beyond our senses and have plowed through to you. Here. Now.  I have been gifted with a vision and I believe Soul Phone is a part of this destiny.


Until I heard the SoulPhone news in 2018, I was only just surviving day by day.  I actually wanted to die, but didn’t have the guts to do it.  To some friends and heath care professionals, I would say: ‘If I got a diagnosis of cancer, I wouldn’t be upset as I could be reunited with my mum and dad.’  I still feel sad and miss them, but have more resolve to see the technology come to fruition.


The idea of still being able to connect with my son who has passed is what has kept me going these last two years. Thank you for all you do and the hope you give to all of us who have lost a loved one.


Very interesting work you all are doing.  I hope you succeed in your efforts to invent devices to communicate with the other side.  Here’s a donation of $50 to help.  Thanks very much! –


“I love the work that you, Dr. Schwartz, and the team are doing.  The SoulPhone Project is truly “universe changing.”  I so hope I can play a small role in some way.”


“I was having anxiety about there being no afterlife.  But with the work of you and others, those fears have been alleviated dramatically.  Now that I know there is life after death, I can live fully again.  I’m excited about the work you’re doing and want to be a part of it, even if it’s in a small way.


Thank you, Mark, for all you and Dr. Schwartz and the others do.  Knowing that I can likely speak to my son someday keeps me here.  The pain is unbearable.


I am interested in helping the Soul Phone Project.  I think it is one of the biggest hopes for many people and our planet.  I don’t have a big amount to donate, but want to do what I can.


OK, I’m sending another donation.  I’m so grateful for you and your organization!  If I didn’t have hope that my son is still out there somewhere thinking about his mama, I think I would go crazy!  Thanks for giving me so much hope with the SoulPhone Project.


Thank you so very much for the SoulPhone and Greater Reality Living!  I’ve read half of your book and am thrilled to learn what Drs. Schwartz and Pitstick and others have been doing with the SoulPhone Project.  It’s almost 1AM and I’m torn – as I was last night – between sleeping and reading.


As a physicist, I studied radiation belts, space weather, and worked in the aerospace industry.  My interest in the SoulPhone Project was heightened after experiencing an EVP and OBE.  I think verified communication with the departed would be of interest to many scientists.


I am holding a fundraiser for the SoulPhone Project in memory of my brother who passed on.  I know he would be, and is, passionate about your project.  Thank you for your research – it has changed my life.


My husband passed on recently and I didn’t want to live anymore.  If not for our children, I probably would have chosen suicide.  But after learning about the SoulPhone Project, I decided to stay on earth and see how this exciting project works out.


My beloved wife died but I had no visits from her.  After reading Greater Reality Living and learning about the SoulPhone Project, I realized she really is alive and we will be together again.  Soon after that, I started seeing glimpses of her and having signs that I know are from her.  For me, believing led to seeing.


Born in India, I lived for around 5 years in an orphanage.  In inner voice told me. “Whatever happens to you, don’t forget to love yourself.  Otherwise, you will not survive the struggle lying ahead”.  By age 18, I knew there would someday be a sort of machine that allows people to directly communicate with those in the afterlife.  I have been waiting for this moment for so long.  If I can help the SoulPhone Project in any way, it will be the most important thing I probably will do in my entire life.  There are many struggles in our world now; my humble opinion is that people need this information.


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