Dear SoulPhone family,
The book The Big Picture of Life is just now available on Amazon. Dr. Gary Schwartz, Katta Mapes — childhood educator and counsellor — and I wrote it.
Needless to say, we discussed the SoulPhone Project and the many hopeful benefits from it.
Here’s the back cover copy . . .
The Big Picture of Life
Young people often wonder about answers to life’s big questions: “Who am I? Why am I here? What happens after I die?” and others.
But some adults don’t know the answers, while others may not want to talk about these topics. In The Big Picture of Life, you can learn:
- there is MUCH more to life than you can see, hear, and feel
- the Real You lives after your earthly body dies
- you are a very important part of Life now
- how to develop a Big Picture Mind and enjoy your earthly experience more
- using your talents to help others and our world
- and more
This book is adapted for young people from the book Greater Reality Living by Drs. Gary Schwartz and Mark Pitstick.
Sales during the first 3 days impact how much Amazon promotes it.
The paperback price is usually $15 but only $9 during that time period. Kindle is usually $7 but only $3 now.
Please share this news with your family, friends, and coworkers and personally buy one or more copies to read and share with others.
Also, please write a review on Amazon — a key for early promoting.
The Big Picture of Life is especially designed for:
– kids from ages 10 – 16
– young people with a sibling who passed on
– older youth, adults and grandparents who are grieving, searching, and/or for
whom Greater Reality Living might be too complex.
whom Greater Reality Living might be too complex.
Here are the Amazon links:
for paperback: com/dp/B085RSFGGR/ref=sr_1_1? dchild=1&keywords=the+big+ picture+of+life+book+mapes& qid=1584284363&sr=8-1
Thanks, love, and blessings,