Mark Pitstick MA, DC and Gary E. Schwartz PhD use the term ‘The Great News’ to describe what is now known – with high degrees of certainty – about the nature of reality. That is, what does contemporary evidence reveal about how life is set up? Drs. Pitstick and Schwartz consider this to be vital since many people suffer from archaic, erroneous, and fear-based teachings that have little or no evidence behind them.

They identified ten aspects about ‘the big picture of life’ that are based on scientific, clinical, and/or experiential evidence. Knowing this information will help you and your loved ones to better respond when the following occur in 2025:

  1. public announcements that life after death has been definitely proven scientifically
  2. public demonstrations of the SoulSwitch, the first SoulPhone device that shows reliable and accurate binary communication with postmaterial persons (the so-called ‘deceased’)

You are needed to help others optimally handle the predictable paradigm shifts that will occur after #1 and 2 above.

We want to share this truly great news so people understand more about the nature of reality. So many people needlessly suffer from archaic, erroneous, and fear-based beliefs that have little or no evidence behind them.

We hope learning ‘The Great News’ helps you . . .

1. more deeply realize who you are, why you’re here, and all the guidance, assistance, and love you always receive

2. create the greatest life YOU have envisioned (YOU refers to the totality of your energy / life force / consciousness – not just what your limited brain / ego thinks)

3. enjoy high levels of peace, joy, hope, vitality, and enthusiasm

4. help others by sharing your special gifts

5. help make our world a better place

Thank you for deeply internalizing this great news and sharing it with others!

See article #19 at to learn more about ‘The Great News’.

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