As of 2022, Dr. Schwartz is primarily focusing on developing the Electronic SoulSwitch. The subsequent creation of the SoulKeyboard will enable a much greater quantity and quality of input from postmaterial luminaries. This will lead to unforeseen advancements in the SoulVoice and SoulVideo devices. The SoulKeyboard will also allow these genius scientists, educators, and others to give webinars on key subjects critical for peace and wellness on our planet. As such, he is largely not giving any webinars or seminars at this time.
Dr. Pitstick will primarily focus on assisting the research with Dr. Schwartz, procuring funding for the Electronic SoulSwitch and SoulKeyboard, and directing the foundation.
When webinars and seminars resume, they will address the toughest challenges and biggest questions people have. These will be especially designed for those who are:
1. grieving the passing of a loved one’s human form
2. fearing your bodily death
3. struggling with the suicide of a dear one
4. in the process of your physical body dying
5. suffering with difficulties such as failed relationships, physical / mental illness, broken dreams, financial loss, lack of purpose, or addicted loved ones
6. considering suicide
7. mourning the end of a beloved pet’s no longer needed shell
8. wrestling with past cultural, educational, or religious teachings that don’t make sense to you now
9. searching for sensible answers to your biggest questions and challenges
10. desiring to enjoy the greatest life you have envisioned
11. wanting to transform yourself and our planet for the better
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